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Script Eater

A formatter for FTF scripts to convert them from transcriber notation to pre-formatted aegisub notation.

Requires Python version 3 or newer in order to use.

End-User (Client) Stuff

Stand-alone Script Eater Usage:

$ python3 <path to raw transcript>

Each transcript, in the very first line must contain exclusively the episode number such that the formatter can properly label the output. Every line after the first is interpreted as part of the transcript.

Ex: (023_raw_transcript.txt)


ULRICH: Huh three day weekend,
that’s fantastic. Isn’t it?

When the script eater is done formatting, it will place in the same directory as the original raw transcript, the file: XXX_formatted_transcript.txt

Discord client commands:

  • help: Stop it, get some help!
  • format: Format the attached file from transcriber notation to pre-aegisub notation.

Admin (Server) Stuff

Supported platforms:

  • Linux
  • Windows*

*The installer scripts are not directly supported on this platform and will likely need to by emulated via CYGWIN OR MINGWIN. This is explicitly because the bot follows the /opt, /var, /log conventions for storing and retrieving configs, logs, etc.


A set of installation scripts have been provided for your convenience.

  1. $ cd ./script-eater/bin
  2. $ sudo ./

Afterwards, the bot is installed to /opt/script-eater and some symlinks are created in /usr/bin so you can simply run script-eater-bot for the discord server and script-eater for a one-time-runtime formatting anywhere on your system.

Local formatting mechanism:

This is a program that is a part of the bot already but can be run separate from the bot, (a-la-carte). A soft link to the choose script is already provided for you in your /bin folder, so you can run the program as-is after installation.

script-eater [path to transcript]

Discord bot server:

No arguments are needed for the server binary to run. however, an environment variable named SCRIPT_EATER_BOT_TOKEN must exist on your system before starting the bot and it must have a valid Discord auth token that you can get from the Discord Developer Portal.


(for persistence, use the following)

screen -dmS script-eater-bot script-eater-bot


FTF Script Eater: both a file pre-formatter for timing and a discord bot







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