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Trad: an instantaneous translation application between two people, one of whom is allophone

Copyright (C) <2022> <Innovation Department, DSI Pôle Emploi>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see



This project is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3.0. Please check the LICENSE file.

Philosophy and objective

This project is the backend of the application. The frontend is trad-frontend project. Checks readme to install it. The purpose of this application is describe in the documention of the frontend part.

Installation main steps

  1. Create GCP Infrastructure with Terraform
  2. Create Deepl glossaries
  3. Configure gitlab CI/CD chain
  4. Deploy backend services
  5. Create the Firebase application
  6. Deploy frontend application
  7. Configure security

Create GCP Infrastructure with Terraform

--- This step need to be done only for the project initialization ---

Build Infrastructure - Terraform GCP

Create Deepl personalized glossaries

--- This step need to be done only for the project initialization ---

Create Deepl glossaries

Configure gitlab CI/CD Chain

--- This step need to be done only for the project initialization ---

Add CI/CD variables in the "Settings > CI/CD Settings > Variables"

  • GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY_FILE => Get the json key of the gitlab-sa service account from GCP console in secret manager
  • GCP_PROJECT => Project ID for each environment
  • TF_VAR_FILE => Same for all environment project_id = gcp_project region = "europe-west1" schedule: "0 * * * *" oidc_audience = "" app_engine_region_mapping = { "europe-west1": "europe-west1", "us-central1": "us-central", }
  • CB_DEFAULT_VAR_FILE => CloudBuild default environment variable GCP_PROJECT: gcp_project LOCATION: europe-west1
  • CB_TRANSLATION_VAR_FILE => CloudBuild translation CloudRun environment variable, add DEEPL_API_KEY: xxxx DEEPL_GLOSSARY_XX_XX: xxxx ...
  • CB_TOKEN_VAR_FILE => CloudBuild token-broker CloudRun environment variable API_GATEWAY_AUDIENCE:

Deploy backend services

Build and deploy services (6 services)

Create the Firebase application

--- This step need to be done only for the project initialization ---

Log in to the Firebase console,, then click on "Add project"

Select your existing Google Cloud project from the dropdown menu, then click on "Continue".

Click on "Add Firebase".

Enable authentication for your Firebase project to use Firestore:

Click on "Authentication" from the navigation panel.

Go to the "Sign-in" Method tab.

Enable Email/Password and the anonymous authentication, for example:


Add Firebase to your app by following the web guide.

Deploy frontend application

The source code of frontend application is in trad-frontend project. See the file to install it.

Configure security

--- This step need to be done only for the project initialization ---

Add Cloud Firestore Security Rules

To set up and deploy the firestore security rules, open the Rules tab in the Cloud Firestore section of the Firebase console.

Copy the rules from rules.txt, Write your rules in the online editor, then click on "Publish"

Edit the API key to add restrictions

You must deploy the web application before the next step in order to have the 2 APIs:

  • Identity Toolkit API
  • Token Service API

In APIs and Service (on GCP Platform), the Credentials part, we could restrict the API key to specific websites and Api's (only the Identity Toolkit API and Token Service API)

First step:


Second step:

img.png img.png

Optionnally, create user

If you use application with Firebase authentication (and not with OIDC mechanism), create user in firebase; this user will be used to access to the application. img.png img.png