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📌 Overview

This blog project relies on essential dependencies such as mdx-js, next.js, contentlayer, mongoose, next-auth, and tailwindcss, among others.

💻 Stack

  • next-auth: Authentication library for Next.js projects.
  • next-contentlayer: Static site generator for Next.js, provides data fetching and content management.
  • next-themes: Theme management for Next.js applications.
  • mongodb: Database for storing and retrieving data.
  • mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
  • tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
  • typescript: Typed superset of JavaScript for building scalable applications.

🚀 Run Locally

1.Clone the blog repository:

git clone

2.Install the dependencies with one of the package managers listed below:

pnpm install
bun install
npm install
yarn install

3.Start the development mode:

pnpm dev
bun dev
npm run dev
yarn dev