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Crossbell Translation Tool v1.5.0

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@FrantzX FrantzX released this 03 Aug 06:44
· 13 commits to master since this release

Added support for string arrays in the JSON translation files.

For example:

    "Text": "★走出空洞,\u0001 发现了哈尔特曼和阿奈斯特。\u0001 但是却被阿奈斯特操纵的\u0001 中世纪魔导智能兵器缠住了,\u0001 不仅如此,通路还崩塌了。\u0001★结果我们被迫与达德利警官、\u0001 亚里欧斯先生分开,\u0001 只得迂回向最深处前进。",
    "Translation": "★ Once we entered the cave, we found\u0001   Hartmann and Ernest. However, we were\u0001   blocked by Ernest's archaisms. And to\u0001   make matters worst, the passageway\u0001   collapsed.\u0001★ As a result, we were forced to separate\u0001   from Detective Dudley and Arios and\u0001   make our own way deeper into the cave."

Can now be instead:

    "Text": [ 
	  " 发现了哈尔特曼和阿奈斯特。\u0001",
	  " 但是却被阿奈斯特操纵的\u0001",
	  " 中世纪魔导智能兵器缠住了,\u0001",
	  " 不仅如此,通路还崩塌了。\u0001",
	  " 亚里欧斯先生分开,\u0001",
	  " 只得迂回向最深处前进。"],
    "Translation": [
	  "★ Once we entered the cave, we found\u0001",
	  "   Hartmann and Ernest. However, we were\u0001",
	  "   blocked by Ernest's archaisms. And to\u0001",
	  "   make matters worst, the passageway\u0001",
	  "   collapsed.\u0001",
	  "★ As a result, we were forced to separate\u0001",
	  "   from Detective Dudley and Arios and\u0001",
	  "   make our own way deeper into the cave."]

Both the old and new styles are supported, even in the same file.