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Gulam Ali H edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 1 revision



The FreakyCodeView class is a customizable code input view designed to enhance user interface interactions in your .NET MAUI application. It provides a visually appealing and interactive way to input codes or PINs.


event EventHandler<FreakyCodeCompletedEventArgs> CodeEntryCompleted

  • Description: Occurs when the code entry is completed. Subscribe to this event to handle code entry completion.


void Focus()

  • Description: Applies focus to the current pin control


public string CodeValue

  • Type: string
  • Default Value: string.Empty
  • Description: Gets or sets the code value entered in the FreakyCodeView.

public int CodeLength

  • Type: int
  • Default Value: 4
  • Description: Gets or sets the length of the code (number of code items).

public KeyboardType CodeInputType

  • Type: KeyboardType
  • Default Value: KeyboardType.Numeric
  • Description: Gets or sets the keyboard input type for code entry.

public ICommand CodeEntryCompletedCommand

  • Type: ICommand
  • Default Value: null
  • Description: Gets or sets the command to execute when the code entry is completed.

public bool IsPassword

  • Type: bool
  • Default Value: true
  • Description: Gets or sets a value indicating whether the code should be treated as a password (characters hidden).

public Color Color

  • Type: Color
  • Default Value: Colors.Black
  • Description: Gets or sets the color for the code item containers and border.

public double ItemSpacing

  • Type: double
  • Default Value: Container.DefaultItemSpacing
  • Description: Gets or sets the spacing between code item containers.

public double ItemSize

  • Type: double
  • Default Value: 50
  • Description: Gets or sets the size (width and height or radius) of individual code item containers.

public ItemShape ItemShape

  • Type: ItemShape
  • Default Value: ItemShape.Circle
  • Description: Gets or sets the shape of individual code item containers.

public Color ItemFocusColor

  • Type: Color
  • Default Value: Colors.Black
  • Description: Gets or sets the color used when a code item container is focused.

public FocusAnimation ItemFocusAnimation

  • Type: FocusAnimation
  • Default Value: Scale
  • Description: Gets or sets the animation type when a code item container is focused.

public Color ItemBorderColor

  • Type: Color
  • Default Value: Colors.Black
  • Description: Gets or sets the border color of individual code item containers.

public Color ItemBackgroundColor

  • Type: Color
  • Default Value: Colors.Transparent
  • Description: Gets or sets the background color of individual code item containers.

public bool ShouldAutoDismissKeyboard

  • Type: bool
  • Default Value: true
  • Description: Gets or sets whether the keyboard should automatically dismiss when code entry is completed.