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OpenStax Tutor Backend Server

Configuring database for Development and Testing

OpenStax Tutor uses the Postgresql database. You'll need to install and configure that.

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib libpq-dev

Or using homebrew on OSX

brew install postgresql or install from

Once installed, create a user and database. By default Tutor will expect a database named 'ox_tutor_{dev,test}' owned by user 'ox_tutor' who has a password 'ox_tutor_secret_password'. These can be overridden by setting environmental variables in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshenv. See the config/database.yml for details.

createuser --createdb --pwprompt ox_tutor

And then create the development and test databases:

createdb --username ox_tutor ox_tutor_dev

createdb --username ox_tutor ox_tutor_test

Error Pages/Responses

By default, the development and test environments see different error responses than the production environment does. Dev and test environments will see HTML responses with backtraces and helpful debugging information; the production environment will see nicely-formatted HTML error pages or simple JSON responses.

Our frontend developers will often use the development environment during testing but will likely want to see production-like error responses. To achieve this, set a USE_DEV_ERROR_RESPONSES environment variable to false. This can be achieved with a .env file in the root folder containing:


A .env.frontend_example file is available in the repository for FE devs to copy over to .env. The recommend behavior is to do this and then only switch to a true setting if you need to debug (see backtraces, etc).

Background Jobs

Tutor in production runs background jobs using resque and redis. In the development environment, however, background jobs are run "inline", i.e. not in the background. To actually run these jobs in the background in the development environment, set the environment variable USE_REAL_BACKGROUND_JOBS to true.


Bullet is a gem for finding N+1 queries and the like. To enable it in development, set an ENABLE_BULLET environment variable to true. Then you can tail log/bullet.log.

Testing with capybara

Capybara-webkit depends on Qt. If you don't have Qt installed, you can install it using apt-get on Debian or Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install qt5-default libqt5webkit5-dev

or homebrew on OS X:

brew update
brew install qt
bundle install --without production
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails server

Running specs in parallel

OpenStax Tutor can optionally run it's specs using the parallel_tests gem. This can result in the test suite completing 2-3 times faster depending on how many CPU cores the testing environment has available.

To use the feature, run rake parallel:create. This will create multiple copies of the database, one for each CPU core. This command needs to be ran only once.

After creating the databases and after changing any of the migrations, run rake parallel:prepare to copy the database schema to each of them.

rake parallel:spec can then be used to run the testing suite in parallel.

Running Demos

A demo rake task exists to populate the database with certain courses and scenarios. The demos assume that appropriate data has been loaded into CNX and Exercises. Before running the task you should drop the database and reload it:

bundle exec rake db:reset demo

The courses that are set up in the demo are determined by the YAML files in the lib/tasks/demo directory. It is in these files that you can configure different periods, student membership in periods, CNX book UUID and version, assignments and progress on those assignments, etc.

By default, all YAML files in that directory are run (with the exception of people.yml). If you want to only run one, you can specify its name in the rake call, e.g. to load only the Biology course you would say:

bundle exec rake db:reset demo[biology]

One or more of the The YAML files can be copied to a different directory and customized. They can then be ran by setting the CONFIG variable like so: CONFIG=../custom-config bundle exec rake db:reset demo[biology]

Working the assignments may be skipped if the NOWORK variable is set: NOWORK=t bundle exec rake db:reset demo

The book version can be set:

bundle exec rake db:reset demo[biology, latest] The course can be set to all to import all the available content, and latest can be substituted with an explicit version i.e. 4.4.

As an admin you can search for the various users set up by the demo scripts (or you can check out the demo YAML files in /lib/tasks). For your convenience, here are a few of the student usernames and the courses they are setup with:

  • student01 - biology and physics
  • student02 - biology and physics
  • student03 - biology and physics
  • student08 - physics only
  • student09 - biology only
  • student31 - biology only
  • student33 - physics only

A teacher is setup with username: teacher01

The full list of teachers and students can be found here.


See this napkin note


🎓 OpenStax Tutor 3.0 Backend






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  • HTML 3.3%
  • JavaScript 2.7%
  • CoffeeScript 0.1%