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Fredrik Appelros edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 19 revisions

Installation instructions


The following instructions assumes that you are running Ubuntu 14.04.

  1. First off, we need access to a shell, in order to give commands to the operating system. We can start a terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T, which in turn will launch a shell for us.

  2. Now, our goal is to grab a local copy of this repository. This is done via the application Git, a revision control system, from which GitHub gets its name. The first step is to install Git.

sudo apt-get install git build-essential

We also installed the build-essential package, which we need in order to build binaries in the next step.

  1. While we're at it, we will also need to install Node.js, which is the runtime that our programs will be using. Download the latest version and then extract the .tar.gz file.
tar xf <path-to-downloaded-file>

Once the extraction is complete, run the following commands.

cd <node-directory>
sudo make install
  1. Now, we need to install some other dependencies that we're going to need.
sudo npm install -g coffee-script bower gulp
  1. Now we're ready to clone the repository.
cd ~
git clone
  1. Next up we need to initialize the submodules of the repository.
cd coffee-adventure
git submodule update --init
  1. And lastly, we need to install the individual dependencies for each of the submodules.
git submodule foreach 'npm install && bower install'
  1. Done! You should now be all set to start the tutorial.


The following instructions assumes that you are running Windows 8.

  1. First off, we need to grab a local copy of this repository by cloning it. This is done via the program Git, a revision control system, from which GitHub gets its name. If this is your first time using Git, you might want to try out GitHub for Windows. Once that is installed, all you need to do is to click the "Clone in Desktop" button on the main repository page to clone it. Or you can just click here.

  2. Now, you will also need to install Node.js, which is the runtime that our programs will be using.

  3. Open up the start menu and type "PowerShell". Right click "Windows PowerShell" and select "Run as administrator".

The window that just appeared is what's called a shell. From here, we can give commands to the operating system.

The first command we will run is to allow local scripts to run.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm
  1. Next up, we need to configure the shell itself. Let's find out if we already have a profile.
Test-Path $profile

If the shell returned True then you can skip to step 7, otherwise continue with step 6.

  1. Since we did not have a profile; we need to create one.
New-Item -Path $profile -ItemType file -Force
  1. Now, open the profile file.
notepad $profile
  1. Copy the following lines and paste them at the end of the file, save it and close the window.
. (Resolve-Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\GitHub\shell.ps1")
. $env:github_posh_git\profile.example.ps1
  1. Time to reboot. To get the rest of the instructions to work, we need our PATH variable set correctly. The easiest way to do this is to just restart the computer.

  2. Open the PowerShell window as an administrator once again. Now we need to to navigate to our newly cloned repository.

Set-Location -Path <path-to-repository>

The path to the repository is probably something like this: C:\Users\MyName\Documents\GitHub\coffee-adventure

  1. Then we have to install some dependencies that we're going to need.
npm install -g coffee-script bower gulp
  1. Next up we need to initialize the submodules of the repository.
git submodule update --init
  1. And lastly, we need to install the individual dependencies for each of the submodules.
git submodule foreach 'npm install && bower install'
  1. Done! You should now be all set to start the tutorial.


The following instructions assumes that you are running OS X El Capitan.

  1. First off, we need access to a shell, in order to give commands to the operating system. We can find the terminal program by pressing + Space to initiate a Spotlight search, then entering terminal and press Return. The terminal will then in turn launch a shell for us.

  2. Now, in order to install the things we need we must first install Homebrew, which is a package manager for OS X.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. The next step is to install Node.js, which is the runtime that our programs will be using:
brew install node
  1. Now, we need to install some other dependencies that we're going to need.
sudo npm install -g coffee-script bower gulp
  1. Now, our goal is to grab a local copy of this repository. This is done via the application Git, a revision control system, from which GitHub gets its name.
cd ~
git clone
  1. Next up we need to initialize the submodules of the repository.
cd coffee-adventure
git submodule update --init
  1. And lastly, we need to install the individual dependencies for each of the submodules.
git submodule foreach 'npm install && bower install'
  1. Done! You should now be all set to start the tutorial.
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