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Leiestedet is a web service that aims to make it easier for people to loan out clothes in return for a small sum of money online. The website has an emphasis on simplicity, and aims to make the process as easy and painless as possible.


Feature spec

The website will feature a lot of the same features as finn; the user posts a listing, and other users can contact the user with the contact information the poster provided. All transactions are done in person, removing the need for transactions online. This greatly reduces costs by requiring the developer to do far less, and the users are less susceptible to being scammed.

We also have Google maps integration to make it easier for our users to find one-another when they are going to rent a piece of clothing. This is done by having a form input with Google maps auto complete on the registration page, and saving the unique ID for the place they select and rendering a map on the profile#show and listing#show pages.

Another thing we put a lot of work into is the image uploading. To reduce the load times when using the page, we generate a 200x200 thumbnail version of the images you upload, so they can be loaded into the page without having to load the full resolution images. This greatly reduces the avg page load time, only costing a bit more processing power when the user creates a new listing with images, and some more storage space, although that's a sacrifice we're willing to make.

All the images will also be downscaled if they are too big (1280x720 is max resolution for an image, all images will retain their original aspect ration when downscaled), and all images are converted to JPEG.

Feature list

  • Login and sign up page
  • Create and view listings
  • Search for listings
  • View listings on a paginated page, currently grouped by 12 results per page
  • About us page
  • Edit profile
  • Edit listing
  • Upload images to the listings
  • Contact information regarding the user, so a customer can easily contact the user to rent a product

Database scheme

This can be found here: "db/schema.rb"

Further documentation

As of right now there is no way to see the further documentation unless you ask us for it over email or another communication platform, but we will eventually upload it to under a portfolio page, which at the time of writing is planned to be released before the summer 2017.


All aspects of the website will be tested with rspec; a testing framework for ruby. Along with this we will also do some QA testing with several people, to ensure the website works as intended, and this also helps to point out flaws in the design.

To see all of the tests look in the 'spec/' directory.


To contribute to the website, simply create a fork, do your changes there, and create a PR. We will review it as soon as we have time, and will get back to you with feedback.

We have no strict guidelines on how your commit messages, however the code should follow our "ways". I.e. you should use 2 spaces for indentation, comment where it is not clear what the code does, and you should use descriptive variable and function names.

Technical details

  • Web framework: Ruby on Rails 5
  • Authentication library: devise
  • Front-end framework: materializecss
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Testing framework: rspec

Color scheme

For the time being the color scheme will be black and white (of course with variations of grey in-between).


Leiestedet is released under the GNU AGPL-v3.0