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deskutils/health: update to 0.95.0
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jbeich committed Jul 30, 2023
1 parent 6ab15da commit 0d2ce44
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Showing 4 changed files with 530 additions and 470 deletions.
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions deskutils/health/Makefile
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
PORTNAME= health
CATEGORIES= deskutils

PATCHFILES+= 864d961a3c4e.patch:-p1 #
PATCHFILES+= 04e0a01f5e20.patch:-p1 #

COMMENT= Track your fitness goals
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326 changes: 174 additions & 152 deletions deskutils/health/Makefile.crates
@@ -1,197 +1,219 @@
CARGO_CRATES= adler-1.0.2 \
aead-0.4.3 \
aho-corasick-0.7.18 \
anyhow-1.0.58 \
async-trait-0.1.56 \
aead-0.5.2 \
aho-corasick-1.0.2 \
android-tzdata-0.1.1 \
android_system_properties-0.1.5 \
anyhow-1.0.72 \
async-trait-0.1.72 \
autocfg-1.1.0 \
base64-0.13.0 \
bit-set-0.5.2 \
base64-0.13.1 \
base64-0.21.2 \
bit-set-0.5.3 \
bit-vec-0.6.3 \
bitflags-1.3.2 \
bitflags-2.3.3 \
block-0.1.6 \
block-buffer-0.10.2 \
bstr-0.2.17 \
bumpalo-3.10.0 \
bytes-1.2.0 \
cairo-rs-0.15.12 \
cairo-sys-rs-0.15.1 \
cc-1.0.73 \
cfg-expr-0.10.3 \
block-buffer-0.10.4 \
bumpalo-3.13.0 \
bytes-1.4.0 \
cairo-rs-0.17.10 \
cairo-sys-rs-0.17.10 \
cc-1.0.79 \
cfg-expr-0.15.4 \
cfg-if-1.0.0 \
chacha20-0.8.2 \
chacha20poly1305-0.9.1 \
chrono-0.4.19 \
chunked_transfer-1.4.0 \
cipher-0.3.0 \
cpufeatures-0.2.2 \
chacha20-0.9.1 \
chacha20poly1305-0.10.1 \
chrono-0.4.26 \
cipher-0.4.4 \
core-foundation-sys-0.8.4 \
cpufeatures-0.2.9 \
crc32fast-1.3.2 \
crypto-common-0.1.6 \
csv-1.1.6 \
csv-1.2.2 \
csv-core-0.1.10 \
darling-0.14.1 \
darling_core-0.14.1 \
darling_macro-0.14.1 \
delegate-0.7.0 \
derive_builder-0.11.2 \
derive_builder_core-0.11.2 \
derive_builder_macro-0.11.2 \
digest-0.10.3 \
darling-0.14.4 \
darling_core-0.14.4 \
darling_macro-0.14.4 \
delegate-0.8.0 \
derive_builder-0.12.0 \
derive_builder_core-0.12.0 \
derive_builder_macro-0.12.0 \
digest-0.10.7 \
dyn-clonable-0.9.0 \
dyn-clonable-impl-0.9.0 \
dyn-clone-1.0.8 \
easy-ext-1.0.0 \
either-1.7.0 \
fancy-regex-0.8.0 \
fastrand-1.7.0 \
field-offset-0.3.4 \
flate2-1.0.24 \
float_eq-1.0.0 \
dyn-clone-1.0.12 \
easy-ext-1.0.1 \
either-1.9.0 \
equivalent-1.0.1 \
errno-0.3.1 \
errno-dragonfly-0.1.2 \
fancy-regex-0.11.0 \
fastrand-2.0.0 \
field-offset-0.3.6 \
flate2-1.0.26 \
float_eq-1.0.1 \
fnv-1.0.7 \
form_urlencoded-1.0.1 \
futures-channel-0.3.21 \
futures-core-0.3.21 \
futures-executor-0.3.21 \
futures-io-0.3.21 \
futures-task-0.3.21 \
futures-util-0.3.21 \
gdk-pixbuf-0.15.11 \
gdk-pixbuf-sys-0.15.10 \
gdk4-0.4.8 \
gdk4-sys-0.4.8 \
generic-array-0.14.5 \
getrandom-0.2.7 \
form_urlencoded-1.2.0 \
futures-channel-0.3.28 \
futures-core-0.3.28 \
futures-executor-0.3.28 \
futures-io-0.3.28 \
futures-macro-0.3.28 \
futures-task-0.3.28 \
futures-util-0.3.28 \
gdk-pixbuf-0.17.10 \
gdk-pixbuf-sys-0.17.10 \
gdk4-0.6.3 \
gdk4-sys-0.6.3 \
generic-array-0.14.7 \
getrandom-0.2.10 \
gettext-rs-0.7.0 \
gettext-sys-0.21.3 \
gio-0.15.12 \
gio-sys-0.15.10 \
glib-0.15.12 \
glib-macros-0.15.11 \
glib-sys-0.15.10 \
glob-0.3.0 \
gobject-sys-0.15.10 \
graphene-rs-0.15.1 \
graphene-sys-0.15.10 \
gsk4-0.4.8 \
gsk4-sys-0.4.8 \
gio-0.17.10 \
gio-sys-0.17.10 \
glib-0.17.10 \
glib-macros-0.17.10 \
glib-sys-0.17.10 \
glob-0.3.1 \
gobject-sys-0.17.10 \
graphene-rs-0.17.10 \
graphene-sys-0.17.10 \
gsk4-0.6.3 \
gsk4-sys-0.6.3 \
gtk-macros-0.3.0 \
gtk4-0.4.9 \
gtk4-macros-0.4.10 \
gtk4-sys-0.4.8 \
heck-0.4.0 \
http-0.2.8 \
gtk4-0.6.6 \
gtk4-macros-0.6.6 \
gtk4-sys-0.6.3 \
hashbrown-0.14.0 \
heck-0.4.1 \
http-0.2.9 \
iana-time-zone-0.1.57 \
iana-time-zone-haiku-0.1.2 \
ident_case-1.0.1 \
idna-0.2.3 \
instant-0.1.12 \
itertools-0.10.3 \
itoa-0.4.8 \
itoa-1.0.2 \
js-sys-0.3.58 \
idna-0.4.0 \
indexmap-2.0.0 \
inout-0.1.3 \
itertools-0.10.5 \
itoa-1.0.9 \
js-sys-0.3.64 \
lazy_static-1.4.0 \
libadwaita-0.1.1 \
libadwaita-sys-0.1.0 \
libc-0.2.126 \
libsecret-0.1.4 \
libsecret-sys-0.1.4 \
libadwaita-0.3.1 \
libadwaita-sys-0.3.0 \
libc-0.2.147 \
libsecret-0.3.0 \
libsecret-sys-0.3.0 \
linux-raw-sys-0.4.3 \
locale_config-0.3.0 \
log-0.4.17 \
log-0.4.19 \
malloc_buf-0.0.6 \
matches-0.1.9 \
memchr-2.5.0 \
memoffset-0.6.5 \
miniz_oxide-0.5.3 \
memoffset-0.9.0 \
miniz_oxide-0.7.1 \
num-derive-0.3.3 \
num-integer-0.1.45 \
num-traits-0.2.15 \
num_threads-0.1.6 \
oauth2-4.2.3 \
num-traits-0.2.16 \
oauth2-4.4.1 \
objc-0.2.7 \
objc-foundation-0.1.1 \
objc_id-0.1.1 \
once_cell-1.13.0 \
once_cell-1.18.0 \
opaque-debug-0.3.0 \
pango-0.15.10 \
pango-sys-0.15.10 \
pangocairo-0.15.1 \
pangocairo-sys-0.15.1 \
paste-1.0.7 \
percent-encoding-2.1.0 \
pest-2.1.3 \
pin-project-lite-0.2.9 \
pango-0.17.10 \
pango-sys-0.17.10 \
pangocairo-0.17.10 \
pangocairo-sys-0.17.10 \
paste-1.0.14 \
percent-encoding-2.3.0 \
pin-project-lite-0.2.10 \
pin-utils-0.1.0 \
pkg-config-0.3.25 \
poly1305-0.7.2 \
ppv-lite86-0.2.16 \
proc-macro-crate-1.1.3 \
pkg-config-0.3.27 \
poly1305-0.8.0 \
ppv-lite86-0.2.17 \
proc-macro-crate-1.3.1 \
proc-macro-error-1.0.4 \
proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4 \
proc-macro2-1.0.40 \
proc-macro2-1.0.66 \
quick-error-2.0.1 \
quick-xml-0.22.0 \
quote-1.0.20 \
quote-1.0.32 \
rand-0.8.5 \
rand_chacha-0.3.1 \
rand_core-0.6.3 \
redox_syscall-0.2.13 \
regex-1.6.0 \
regex-automata-0.1.10 \
regex-syntax-0.6.27 \
remove_dir_all-0.5.3 \
rand_core-0.6.4 \
redox_syscall-0.3.5 \
regex-1.9.1 \
regex-automata-0.3.3 \
regex-syntax-0.7.4 \
ring-0.16.20 \
rustc_version-0.3.3 \
rustls-0.20.6 \
rustversion-1.0.8 \
ryu-1.0.10 \
rustc_version-0.4.0 \
rustix-0.38.4 \
rustls-0.21.5 \
rustls-webpki-0.100.1 \
rustls-webpki-0.101.2 \
rustversion-1.0.14 \
ryu-1.0.15 \
sct-0.7.0 \
semver-0.11.0 \
semver-parser-0.10.2 \
serde-1.0.139 \
serde_derive-1.0.139 \
serde_json-1.0.82 \
serde_path_to_error-0.1.7 \
serde_test-1.0.139 \
sha2-0.10.2 \
slab-0.4.7 \
smallvec-1.9.0 \
semver-1.0.18 \
serde-1.0.177 \
serde_derive-1.0.177 \
serde_json-1.0.104 \
serde_path_to_error-0.1.14 \
serde_spanned-0.6.3 \
serde_test-1.0.176 \
sha2-0.10.7 \
slab-0.4.8 \
smallvec-1.11.0 \
spin-0.5.2 \
strsim-0.10.0 \
strum-0.24.1 \
strum_macros-0.24.2 \
subtle-2.4.1 \
syn-1.0.98 \
system-deps-6.0.2 \
strum_macros-0.24.3 \
subtle-2.5.0 \
syn-1.0.109 \
syn-2.0.27 \
system-deps-6.1.1 \
target-lexicon-0.12.10 \
temp-dir-0.1.11 \
tempfile-3.3.0 \
thiserror-1.0.31 \
thiserror-impl-1.0.31 \
time-0.3.11 \
tempfile-3.7.0 \
thiserror-1.0.44 \
thiserror-impl-1.0.44 \
time-0.3.23 \
time-core-0.1.1 \
tinyvec-1.6.0 \
tinyvec_macros-0.1.0 \
toml-0.5.9 \
tracker-rs-0.2.3 \
tracker-sys-0.2.1 \
typenum-1.15.0 \
ucd-trie-0.1.4 \
unicode-bidi-0.3.8 \
unicode-ident-1.0.2 \
unicode-normalization-0.1.21 \
universal-hash-0.4.1 \
tinyvec_macros-0.1.1 \
toml-0.7.6 \
toml_datetime-0.6.3 \
toml_edit-0.19.14 \
tracker-rs-0.4.3 \
tracker-sys-0.4.3 \
typenum-1.16.0 \
unicode-bidi-0.3.13 \
unicode-ident-1.0.11 \
unicode-normalization-0.1.22 \
universal-hash-0.5.1 \
untrusted-0.7.1 \
uom-0.33.0 \
ureq-2.5.0 \
url-2.2.2 \
version-compare-0.1.0 \
ureq-2.7.1 \
url-2.4.0 \
version-compare-0.1.1 \
version_check-0.9.4 \
wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
wasm-bindgen-0.2.81 \
wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.81 \
wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.81 \
wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.81 \
wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.81 \
web-sys-0.3.58 \
webpki-0.22.0 \
webpki-roots-0.22.4 \
wasm-bindgen-0.2.87 \
wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.87 \
wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.87 \
wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.87 \
wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.87 \
web-sys-0.3.64 \
webpki-roots-0.23.1 \
winapi-0.3.9 \
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
zeroize-1.5.6 \
windows-0.48.0 \
windows-sys-0.48.0 \
windows-targets-0.48.1 \
windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.48.0 \
windows_aarch64_msvc-0.48.0 \
windows_i686_gnu-0.48.0 \
windows_i686_msvc-0.48.0 \
windows_x86_64_gnu-0.48.0 \
windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.48.0 \
windows_x86_64_msvc-0.48.0 \
winnow-0.5.1 \
zeroize-1.6.0 \

0 comments on commit 0d2ce44

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