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lang/rustpython: New port: Python interpreter written in Rust
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yurivict committed Jan 12, 2024
1 parent b6a0e4b commit ee8c911
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,007 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lang/Makefile
Expand Up @@ -322,6 +322,7 @@
SUBDIR += rust
SUBDIR += rust-bootstrap
SUBDIR += rust-nightly
SUBDIR += rustpython
SUBDIR += s7
SUBDIR += sagittarius-scheme
SUBDIR += sather-specification
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352 changes: 352 additions & 0 deletions lang/rustpython/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
PORTNAME= rustpython

COMMENT= Python interpreter written in Rust


USES= cargo

GH_ACCOUNT= RustPython
GH_PROJECT= RustPython

CARGO_CRATES= Inflector-0.11.4 \
abort_on_panic-2.0.0 \
adler-1.0.2 \
adler32-1.2.0 \
ahash-0.7.6 \
aho-corasick-0.7.20 \
android_system_properties-0.1.5 \
ansi_term-0.12.1 \
anyhow-1.0.66 \
approx-0.5.1 \
arrayvec-0.7.2 \
ascii-1.1.0 \
ascii-canvas-3.0.0 \
atomic-0.5.1 \
atty-0.2.14 \
autocfg-1.1.0 \
base64-0.13.1 \
bincode-1.3.3 \
bit-set-0.5.3 \
bit-vec-0.6.3 \
bitflags-1.3.2 \
blake2-0.10.5 \
block-buffer-0.10.3 \
bstr-0.2.17 \
bumpalo-3.11.1 \
byteorder-1.4.3 \
bzip2-0.4.4 \
bzip2-sys-0.1.11+1.0.8 \
caseless-0.2.1 \
cast-0.3.0 \
cc-1.0.77 \
cfg-if-1.0.0 \
chrono-0.4.23 \
clap-2.34.0 \
clipboard-win-4.4.2 \
codespan-reporting-0.11.1 \
console-0.15.2 \
console_error_panic_hook-0.1.7 \
core-foundation-0.9.3 \
core-foundation-sys-0.8.3 \
cpufeatures-0.2.5 \
cpython-0.7.1 \
cranelift-0.88.2 \
cranelift-bforest-0.88.2 \
cranelift-codegen-0.88.2 \
cranelift-codegen-meta-0.88.2 \
cranelift-codegen-shared-0.88.2 \
cranelift-entity-0.88.2 \
cranelift-frontend-0.88.2 \
cranelift-isle-0.88.2 \
cranelift-jit-0.88.2 \
cranelift-module-0.88.2 \
cranelift-native-0.88.2 \
crc32fast-1.3.2 \
criterion-0.3.6 \
criterion-plot-0.4.5 \
crossbeam-channel-0.5.6 \
crossbeam-deque-0.8.2 \
crossbeam-epoch-0.9.13 \
crossbeam-utils-0.8.14 \
crunchy-0.2.2 \
crypto-common-0.1.6 \
csv-1.1.6 \
csv-core-0.1.10 \
cxx-1.0.82 \
cxx-build-1.0.82 \
cxxbridge-flags-1.0.82 \
cxxbridge-macro-1.0.82 \
diff-0.1.13 \
digest-0.10.6 \
dirs-next-2.0.0 \
dirs-sys-next-0.1.2 \
dns-lookup-1.0.8 \
either-1.8.0 \
ena-0.14.0 \
encode_unicode-0.3.6 \
endian-type-0.1.2 \
env_logger-0.9.3 \
errno-0.2.8 \
errno-dragonfly-0.1.2 \
error-code-2.3.1 \
exitcode-1.1.2 \
fd-lock-3.0.8 \
fixedbitset-0.4.2 \
flame-0.2.2 \
flamer-0.4.0 \
flamescope-0.1.2 \
flate2-1.0.24 \
fnv-1.0.7 \
foreign-types-0.3.2 \
foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \
fxhash-0.2.1 \
generic-array-0.14.6 \
gethostname-0.2.3 \
getrandom-0.2.8 \
glob-0.3.0 \
half-1.8.2 \
hashbrown-0.12.3 \
heck-0.4.0 \
hermit-abi-0.1.19 \
hex-0.4.3 \
hexf-parse-0.2.1 \
iana-time-zone-0.1.53 \
iana-time-zone-haiku-0.1.1 \
indexmap-1.9.2 \
insta-1.21.1 \
io-lifetimes-1.0.1 \
is-macro-0.2.1 \
itertools-0.10.5 \
itoa-0.4.8 \
itoa-1.0.4 \
js-sys-0.3.60 \
keccak-0.1.3 \
lalrpop-0.19.8 \
lalrpop-util-0.19.8 \
lazy_static-0.2.11 \
lazy_static-1.4.0 \
lexical-parse-float-0.8.5 \
lexical-parse-integer-0.8.6 \
lexical-util-0.8.5 \
libc-0.2.137 \
libffi-2.0.1 \
libffi-sys-1.3.2 \
libsqlite3-sys-0.25.2 \
libz-sys-1.1.8 \
link-cplusplus-1.0.7 \
linked-hash-map-0.5.6 \
linux-raw-sys-0.1.3 \
lock_api-0.4.9 \
log-0.4.17 \
lz4_flex-0.9.5 \
mac_address-1.1.4 \
mach-0.3.2 \
maplit-1.0.2 \
matches-0.1.9 \
md-5-0.10.5 \
memchr-2.5.0 \
memmap2-0.5.8 \
memoffset-0.6.5 \
memoffset-0.7.1 \
miniz_oxide-0.5.4 \
mt19937-2.0.1 \
new_debug_unreachable-1.0.4 \
nibble_vec-0.1.0 \
nix-0.23.1 \
nix-0.24.2 \
num-bigint-0.4.3 \
num-complex-0.4.2 \
num-integer-0.1.45 \
num-rational-0.4.1 \
num-traits-0.2.15 \
num_cpus-1.14.0 \
num_enum-0.5.7 \
num_enum_derive-0.5.7 \
once_cell-1.16.0 \
oorandom-11.1.3 \
openssl-0.10.43 \
openssl-macros-0.1.0 \
openssl-probe-0.1.5 \
openssl-src-111.24.0+1.1.1s \
openssl-sys-0.9.78 \
optional-0.5.0 \
page_size-0.4.2 \
parking_lot-0.12.1 \
parking_lot_core-0.9.4 \
paste-1.0.9 \
petgraph-0.6.2 \
phf-0.10.1 \
phf_codegen-0.10.0 \
phf_generator-0.10.0 \
phf_shared-0.10.0 \
pico-args-0.4.2 \
pkg-config-0.3.26 \
plotters-0.3.4 \
plotters-backend-0.3.4 \
plotters-svg-0.3.3 \
pmutil-0.5.3 \
ppv-lite86-0.2.17 \
precomputed-hash-0.1.1 \
proc-macro-crate-1.2.1 \
proc-macro2-1.0.47 \
puruspe-0.1.5 \
python3-sys-0.7.1 \
quote-1.0.21 \
radium-0.7.0 \
radix_trie-0.2.1 \
rand-0.8.5 \
rand_chacha-0.3.1 \
rand_core-0.6.4 \
rayon-1.6.0 \
rayon-core-1.10.1 \
redox_syscall-0.1.57 \
redox_syscall-0.2.16 \
redox_users-0.4.3 \
regalloc2-0.3.2 \
regex-1.7.0 \
regex-automata-0.1.10 \
regex-syntax-0.6.28 \
region-2.2.0 \
result-like-0.4.5 \
result-like-derive-0.4.5 \
rustc-hash-1.1.0 \
rustc_version-0.4.0 \
rustix-0.36.3 \
rustversion-1.0.9 \
rustyline-10.0.0 \
ryu-1.0.11 \
same-file-1.0.6 \
schannel-0.1.20 \
scopeguard-1.1.0 \
scratch-1.0.2 \
semver-1.0.14 \
serde-1.0.147 \
serde-wasm-bindgen-0.3.1 \
serde_cbor-0.11.2 \
serde_derive-1.0.147 \
serde_json-1.0.89 \
sha-1-0.10.0 \
sha2-0.10.6 \
sha3-0.10.6 \
similar-2.2.1 \
siphasher-0.3.10 \
slice-group-by-0.3.0 \
smallvec-1.10.0 \
socket2-0.4.7 \
sre-engine-0.4.1 \
static_assertions-1.1.0 \
str-buf-1.0.6 \
string_cache-0.8.4 \
strsim-0.8.0 \
strum-0.24.1 \
strum_macros-0.24.3 \
subtle-2.4.1 \
syn-1.0.103 \
syn-ext-0.4.0 \
system-configuration-0.5.0 \
system-configuration-sys-0.5.0 \
target-lexicon-0.12.5 \
term-0.7.0 \
termcolor-1.1.3 \
terminal_size-0.1.17 \
termios-0.3.3 \
textwrap-0.11.0 \
textwrap-0.15.2 \
thiserror-1.0.37 \
thiserror-impl-1.0.37 \
thread-id-3.3.0 \
thread_local-1.1.4 \
time-0.1.44 \
timsort-0.1.2 \
tiny-keccak-2.0.2 \
tinytemplate-1.2.1 \
tinyvec-1.6.0 \
tinyvec_macros-0.1.0 \
toml-0.5.9 \
twox-hash-1.6.3 \
typenum-1.15.0 \
uname-0.1.1 \
unic-char-property-0.9.0 \
unic-char-range-0.9.0 \
unic-common-0.9.0 \
unic-emoji-char-0.9.0 \
unic-normal-0.9.0 \
unic-ucd-age-0.9.0 \
unic-ucd-bidi-0.9.0 \
unic-ucd-category-0.9.0 \
unic-ucd-hangul-0.9.0 \
unic-ucd-ident-0.9.0 \
unic-ucd-normal-0.9.0 \
unic-ucd-version-0.9.0 \
unicode-casing-0.1.0 \
unicode-ident-1.0.5 \
unicode-normalization-0.1.22 \
unicode-segmentation-1.10.0 \
unicode-width-0.1.10 \
unicode-xid-0.2.4 \
unicode_names2-0.5.1 \
utf8parse-0.2.0 \
uuid-1.2.2 \
uuid-macro-internal-1.2.2 \
vcpkg-0.2.15 \
vec_map-0.8.2 \
version_check-0.9.4 \
volatile-0.3.0 \
walkdir-2.3.2 \
wasi-0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
wasm-bindgen-0.2.83 \
wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.83 \
wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.33 \
wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.83 \
wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.83 \
wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.83 \
web-sys-0.3.60 \
which-4.3.0 \
widestring-0.5.1 \
winapi-0.3.9 \
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
winapi-util-0.1.5 \
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
windows-0.39.0 \
windows-sys-0.36.1 \
windows-sys-0.42.0 \
windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.42.0 \
windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1 \
windows_aarch64_msvc-0.39.0 \
windows_aarch64_msvc-0.42.0 \
windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1 \
windows_i686_gnu-0.39.0 \
windows_i686_gnu-0.42.0 \
windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1 \
windows_i686_msvc-0.39.0 \
windows_i686_msvc-0.42.0 \
windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1 \
windows_x86_64_gnu-0.39.0 \
windows_x86_64_gnu-0.42.0 \
windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.42.0 \
windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1 \
windows_x86_64_msvc-0.39.0 \
windows_x86_64_msvc-0.42.0 \
winreg-0.10.1 \
xml-rs-0.8.4 \
yaml-rust-0.4.5 \

OPENSSLINC= /usr/include
OPENSSLLIB= /usr/lib



.include <>

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