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Save titles

Roman Chistokhodov edited this page May 24, 2024 · 1 revision

The Load game menu dialog is capable of showing the chapter name for the save in the list (e.g. ANOMALOUS MATERIALS). However, Half-Life has a hardcoded list that maps level names to chapters names. Featureful SDK allows to provide your own mapping. To achieve that follow these steps:

  1. Create the file named save_titles.txt in the main directory of your mod.
  2. Write down the level name prefixes and corresponding chapter names.


FEATUREFUL "Featureful Demo"
FLYERS "Flyers Demo"

Thus all saves made on maps which names start with "featureful" prefix (e.g. featureful_demo) will have a "Featureful Demo" title in the Load game menu. All saves made on maps which names start with "flyers" will have a "Flyers Demo" title.

The search is case-insensitive.

Note that the order matters - the first matched prefix will be used. Consider the following case:

CROSS "Some crossing"
CROSSFIRE "Crossfire deathmatch map"

As the CROSS comes first in the list and matches the name crossfire, the save file made on this level will use the title defined by CROSS prefix.


Half-Life supports save title localization via files resource/valve_english.txt, resource/valve_russian.txt, etc (depending on the chosen language). There you can define the identifier and the corresponding text, e.g.


Then, in save_titles.txt you can map the level name prefix to this title by prepending the # symbol:



If no title is defined for the map, the value from Map Description / Title of the map properties will be used as a title. If it's empty, the map name is used.

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