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Freelancers Union Discord Bot

FUBot is a python Discord Bot built exclusively for the FU Discord.


Command Description arguments Example
/player_card Gets information for a given player character_name /player_card wrel
/outfit Gets information for a given Outfit [name] / [tag] /outfit FU
/announce_event Posts an announcement for an event event [message_body] /announce_event FUBG We're building!
/new_member_report Posts to #officers new Discord members days /new_member_report 30
/link_planetside_account Links PlanetSide 2 account to FU discord user account_name /link_planetside_account Karlish


Utilises the Auraxium PS2 Census python wrapper. disnake, a fork of discordpy. MongoDB as a document database.


Getting Started

Create a .env file

Create a .env file to store local env vars in the root of the project (This MUST be included in .gitignore). The as a template you can use .env.example.


Docker is cool and all, but running it locally is much faster to develop with. You can use the package manager pip to install src/requirements.txt and use the python-dotenv package to handle reading in env vars (you'll need to install this)

pip install -r ./src/requirements.txt

Run your bot

python3 ./src/


Install Docker and start the Docker engine.

From the top level FU/ directory, build the docker image using docker-compose:

docker-compose -d up

Check on your containers with:

docker logs fubot
docker logs mongodb

To stop your containers:

docker-compose down


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


  • Guthammer
  • Karlish
  • Deltadstroyer