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FrogBoss74 edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the RealCatTranslator wiki!

Project in several phases to ultimately built an app that translate from human to cats and cats to human using deep learning algorithm For all cat lovers by Lea B and Herve B

Phase 1: Collection of cat sound samples in a specific format with annotation of the cat behaviour following a prescribed method for each predesignated designed behavours (eg hungry, don't bother me, etc.). (---> Current Status)

  • this requires:
    • a collection methodology to collect high quality samples (could be an instruction or small mobile app)
    • a storage repository of raw sample and file naming convention
  • the initial stage will concentrate on single cat candidate before apply machine learning to a mixture of cat candidates

Phase 2: Data manipulation and preparation for deep learning Phase 3: Machine learning on initial sample (this could branch out depending on machine learning algorith used) Phase 4: App development to apply the learned model to real situation and use language recognition to speak cat language

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

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