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Vuex Workshop course materials

Materials for the State Management with Vuex Course

Author: Divya Tagtachian

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Bonus Content!


State Management Basics (Codepen)

Vuex; the Good Parts (Codepen)

Vuex in SFCs (Local Editor)

  • Exercise 1: Let's move our vuex store into a separate file vuex-sfc[step-0]
  • Exercise 2: Destructure context so it uses the methods commit and dispatch vuex-sfc[step-1]
  • Exercise 3: Update so that the remaining action and getters are using helpers vuex-sfc [step-2]

Composing Actions (Local Editor)

  • Exercise 1: In the fetchFromInventory action, dispatch a call to check the machine state action vuex-compose-actions[step-0]
  • Exercise 2: Create a fail condition, where the machine shows a message when dispensing while stock is < 0 vuex-compose-actions[step-1]

Vuex Modules (Local Editor)

  • Exercise 1: Let's move our store, getters, actions and mutations into separate vuex modules vuex-modules[step-0]
  • Exercise 2: Let's namespace our vuex module and update the actions, and getters in the component appropriately vuex-modules[step-1]

Vuex Modules Cont'd - Static vs Dynamic (Local Editor)

  • Exercise 3: In the operatorView component, extrapolate the store and dynamically load it so that servicing the primary machine doesn't update the other machines vuex-static-vs-dynamic-modules[step-0]
  • Exercise 4: Similarly, in the vendingMachineItem component, extrapolate the store and dynamically load it vuex-static-vs-dynamic-modules[step-1]
  • Exercise 5: In the vendingMachineItem component, create a unique id for every module, this way, the module for every item isn't shared vuex-static-vs-dynamic-modules[step-2]

Vuex Plugins

  • Exercise 1: Let's create our first Vuex Plugin persistState vuex-plugin[master]
  • Exercise 2: Let's modify to use subscribeAction in our Vuex Plugin persistState vuex-plugin[middle-state]
  • Exercise 3: Modify to use subscribeAction (before/after) that listen for action change and register the frequency change vuex-plugin[end-state]

Vuex + Vue Router

  • Exercise 1: In the admin route, create a per-route navigation guard vuex-and-router[step-0]
  • Exercise 2: In the routes file, add metadata to admin and inventory and create a global navigation guard that checks whether a user is logged in vuex-and-router[step-1]

Normalize Vuex State (Local Editor)

  • Exercise 1: Let's create a model of Machine in Vuex ORM vuex-normalize-state[step-0]
  • Exercise 2: Let's create a location model in Vuex ORM vuex-normalize-state[step-1]
  • Exercise 3: Let's create some helper queries in Vuex ORM vuex-normalize-state[step-2]

Vue CLI Resources

Vuex Resources

VS Code Extensions


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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