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Notepad++ plugins for a first year CS Java build environment


Programming Environment for Saint Mary's University(PESMU) is a project myself and 3 teammates worked on for our undergrad Software Engineering course. Our only requirement was to create a solution for a lightweight plugin to Notepad++ that would aid in teaching first year Java courses that would allow compilation and execution from within Notepad++.

We being the open source afficiandos we are, decided to extend existing open source projects to make our feature set a bit more complete. Each feature exists as its own plugin on its own branch in this repo.

Compilation and Execution

We sent messages to the existing plugin NPP Exec to handle compilation and execution, as well as displaying a console window from within the editor.

API Searching

We implemented a custom solution to search the Java API with the currently selected text, or to open the Java API directly

Javadoc Generation

We modified Doxyit to only support Java and Javadoc, insert the File comment at the top, and recognize classes. It also interfaces with the Compilation and Execution plugin to generate the Javadoc HTML.

Task List

We attempted to modify the existing plugin NPP Task List to support an extended interface that allowed removal of tasks from within the task list. This feature is mostly broken and incomplete

Syntax Highlighting

We modified the default Notepad++ language file to support commonly used Java classes to aid students in understanding what is part of the language. For example String


We used GitHub releases to download dlls before our presentation as school computers and other means had issues with it. Please ignore them.


Notepad++ plugins for a first year CS Java build environment





