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Compiled lists, mapped lists and tagged list of the countries and values.

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Country List TS

This repository is based from the list of countries provided by mledoze/countries.

It provides various compiled lists, mapped lists and tagged list of the property values. You can also search for a country based on the values in the property.

⚠ Warning:

Not all entities in this project are independent countries; refer to the independent property to know if the country is considered a sovereign state.


  • Importable assets
    • flags
    • geo-json
    • topo-json
  • 🚧 Flag WebComponent
  • List
    • of names, capitals, languages, currencies ...
    • mapped lists by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
    • with
  • Search


npm i 

Compatibility table

Version JS target JS lib
1.0.0 ES5 ES2017



Get list of country record member.

Simple list

import {ls} from "country-list-ts";

const c = await ls('capital'); // ordered by country name

// Output:
// ["Oranjestad","Kabul","Luanda","The Valley","Mariehamn","Tirana", ... ]

It's the same as :

import {capitals} from "country-list-ts";

const c = (await capitals()).sort(); // reorder alphabetically
// Output: 
// ['Abu Dhabi', 'Abuja', 'Accra', 'Adamstown', 'Addis Ababa', ... ]
function call alias
ls("cca2") cca2s()
ls("tld") tlds()
ls("ccn3") ccn3s()
ls("cca3") cca3s()
ls("cioc") ciocs()
ls("countryStatus") countryStatuses()
ls("commonName") commonNames()
ls("officialName") officialNames()
ls("currencyCode") currencyCodes()
ls("currencyName") currencyNames()
ls("currencySymbol") currencySymbols()
ls("region") regions()
ls("subRegion") subRegions()
ls("capital") capitals()
ls("lang") langs()
ls("languageName") languageNames()

Tagged lists

import {lsF} from "country-list-ts";

const currencies = await lsF("currencies");

// Output:
// [
//  { "currencies":{"AWG":{"name":"Aruban florin","symbol":"ƒ"}},"cca2":"AW"},
//  { "currencies":{"AFN":{"name":"Afghan afghani","symbol":"؋"}},"cca2":"AF"},
//   ...

Here is an example with Angular ngFor:

  selector: 'app-select-country',
  template: '<select> ' +
          '<option *ngFor="let country of $countryList | async" [ngValue]="country.cca2">' +
          '{{}}' +
          '</option> ' +
  styleUrls: ['./select-country.scss']
export class SelectCountryComponent {
  public $countryList = lsF(); // default list name

Mapped list

import {lsM} from "country-list-ts";
const gps = await lsM("latLng");
// Output:
// {"AW":[12.5,-69.96666666],"AF":[33,65],"AO":[-12.5,18.5],"AI":[18.25,-63.16666666],....]

Note, for tagged and mapped lists the available property values are:

name, tld, ccn3, cca3, cioc, independent, idd, countryStatus, currencies, region, subRegion, capitals, languages, translations, latLng, landlocked, borders, area, flag, demonyms, callingCodes


You can get a list of all the country data:

import {all} from "country-list-ts";

 * @var {Country[]}
const countries = await all();

An example of a Country object :

const austria = {
    name: {
        common: "Austria",
        official: "Republic of Austria",
        native: {
            bar: {
                official: "Republik Österreich",
                common: "Österreich"
    tld: [".at"],
    cca2: "AT",
    ccn3: "040",
    cca3: "AUT",
    cioc: "AUT",
    independent: true,
    status: "officially-assigned",
    unMember: true,
    currencies: {
        EUR: {
            name: "Euro",
            symbol: "€"
    idd: {
        "root": "+4",
        "suffixes": ["3"]
    capital: ["Vienna"],
    altSpellings: ["AT", "Osterreich", "Oesterreich"],
    region: "Europe",
    subregion: "Western Europe",
    languages: {
        bar: "Austro-Bavarian German"
    translations: {
        cym: {official: "Republic of Austria", common: "Awstria"},
        deu: {official: "Republik Österreich", common: "Österreich"},
        fra: {official: "République d'Autriche", common: "Autriche"},
        hrv: {official: "Republika Austrija", common: "Austrija"},
        ita: {official: "Repubblica d'Austria", common: "Austria"},
        jpn: {official: "オーストリア共和国", common: "オーストリア"},
        nld: {official: "Republiek Oostenrijk", common: "Oostenrijk"},
        por: {official: "República da Áustria", common: "Áustria"},
        rus: {official: "Австрийская Республика", common: "Австрия"},
        spa: {official: "República de Austria", common: "Austria"}
    latlng: [47.33333333, 13.33333333],
    demonyms: {
        fra: {
            f: "Autrichienne",
            m: "Autrichien"
        spa: {
            f: "Austriaco",
            m: "Austriaca"
    landlocked: true,
    borders: ["CZE", "DEU", "HUN", "ITA", "LIE", "SVK", "SVN", "CHE"],
    area: 83871,
    callingCodes: ["+43"],
    flag: "🇦🇹"


  • name
    • common - common name in english
    • official - official name in english
    • native - list of all native names
      • key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code
      • value: name object
        • key: official - official name translation
        • key: common - common name translation
  • tld - country code top-level domain
  • cca2 - code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
  • cca3 - code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
  • ccn3 - code ISO 3166-1 numeric
  • cioc - code International Olympic Committee
  • independent - ISO 3166-1 independence status (denotes the country is considered a sovereign state)
  • status - ISO 3166-1 assignment status
  • unMember - UN Member status
  • currencies - list of all currencies
    • key: ISO 4217 currency code
    • value: currency object
      • key: name name of the currency
      • key: symbol symbol of the currency
  • idd - International Direct Dialing info
  • root - the root geographical code prefix. e.g. +6 for New Zealand, +4 for UK.
  • suffixes - list of all suffixes assigned to this country. 4 for NZ, 809, 829, and 849 for Dominican Republic.
  • capital - capital city(ies)
  • altSpellings - alternative spellings
  • region
  • subregion
  • languages - list of official languages
    • key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code
    • value: name of the language in english
  • translations - list of name translations
    • key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code
    • value: name object
      • key: official - official name translation
      • key: common - common name translation
  • latlng - latitude and longitude
  • demonyms - name of residents, translated & gendered
    • key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code
    • value: genderized demonym object
      • key: f (female) or m (male)
      • value: genderized demonym translation
  • landlocked - landlocked status, if the country has direct access to ports for its maritime trade
  • borders - land borders
  • area - land area in km²
  • flag - Emoji flag
  • callingCodes - calling codes


You can search for a country using the property name:

import {find} from "country-list-ts";

 * @var {Country}
const haiti = await find("name.common", "Haiti") ;
const {capital} = await find("name.common", "Canada"); // ["Ottawa"]

The find frunction returns the first Country that satisfies the search value. To get a list use get

import {get} from "country-list-ts";

 * @var {Country[]}
const tropicals = await get("region", "Caribbean") ;

Both find and get are memoized;



// React
import {bra_flag} from "@fruitsbytes/country-list-ts/dist/flags";

export function BrasilFlag() {
    return (
        <img src={bra_flag}/>

example: Brasil


import {usa_geo_json} from "@fruitsbytes/country-list-ts/dist/geo-json";

example: USA


import {ht} from "@fruitsbytes/country-list-ts/dist/topo-json";

example: USA


For specific use case you can combine it with othe libraries:

Fuzzy search

Fuse.js is a powerful, lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies.

Generally speaking, fuzzy searching (more formally known as approximate string matching) is the technique of finding strings that are approximately equal to a given pattern (rather than exactly

You can use FuseJS for country list suggestion/TypeHead input

import {all} from "country-list-ts";
import Fuse from 'fuse.js';

const countries = await all();

const fuse = new Fuse(countries, {
  keys: ['cca2', 'cca3', 'name.common']

const found ='hait');

// Output:
// [
//   {
//     item: {
//        {
//         ...
//         "tld": [".ht"],
//         "cca2": "HT",
//         ...
//        }
//     },
//     refIndex: 0
//   },
// ...
// ]

More examples :

Phone number

libphonenumber-js is a simpler and smaller rewrite of Google Android's libphonenumber library in javascript.

See the demo.

You can use this library to get the country of a phone number:

// my-file.ts

import parsePhoneNumber from 'libphonenumber-js';
import {find} from "country-list-ts";

function getCountryByPhonenumber(phone: string) {
  const phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber(phone);

  if (phoneNumber) {
    return find("cca2",;

  return undefined;

 * @var {Country|undefined}
const country = find("+50934524301");

console.log(country?.name?.common, country?.flag); // Haiti 🇭🇹
