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126 lines (82 loc) · 3.19 KB

Build Furry Games Index website from source

Tested operating systems:

  • macOS Catalina
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Windows 10

You need Python 3.7 or later. (If you are using CPython, 3.6 is also acceptable)

Install dependencies

pip3 install --user pyyaml jinja2 requests Pillow beautifulsoup4

Currently, a patched python-markdown2 (added many features needed for FGI) is required to build FGI website.

pip3 install --user git+

(Optional) For Chinese Converting, you need

pip3 install --user OpenCC

Build website

(Optional) If you have modified zh-xx files, run it to generate other variants (for example, zh-cn => zh-tw, etc)


Do a general build

./ <output_path>

Build options

Webp images

Convert images to webp and remove original image

./ --images-to-webp

Convert webp format and make it as a candition for browsers (double format will be provided)

./ --images-candidate-webp

Add workaround hacks to make it runable on local file:// in modern browsers

Modern browsers block file requests from file:// scheme. This will cause some functions in standard builds to not work properly.

FGI can inject some hacks to make builds available in file:// scheme. Tested on Chrome and Firefox.

This will waste space and affect performance. Do not enable this option on a version designed to be published online.

For Chrome/Chromium, you can run browser like the google-chrome --allow-file-access-from-files to disable this browser security mechanism.

For Firefox, you can disable this browser security mechanism by security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy in about:config.

./ --file-uri-workaround


Use --plugin name[,options] argument to load plugin.

For example, the steam-cdn-unite plugin will unite all steam CDN URIs:

./ --plugin steam-cdn-unite

You can pass plugin specified options to them. format is key=value, multiple options joined with ,. For example:

./ --plugin steam-cdn-unite,cdn=akamai,verbose=1

You can load multiple plugins, for example:

./ --images-candidate-webp --plugin steam-cdn-unite,verbose=yes --plugin webp-converter-stub

More Options

see ./ -h

Build offline snapshot editiom

./scripts/ <output_path>

On Windows, you should use MSYS2

This requires a good internet connection.

Build FGI-next (FGI with experimental patches)

FGI-next requires a git command and FGI source tree MUST be in a cleaning git workspace.

./scripts/ init origin
./scripts/ build <output_path>

On Windows, you should use MSYS2

If FGI git remote name is not "origin", please use ./scripts/ init <your remote name> instead.

The script cannot clean up the git workspace after patching when the build fails, you need to clean it up manually. It can be automatically cleaned up when building successfully.