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UTL_1138 edited this page Oct 23, 2022 · 3 revisions

This page was written by post-editing, we are looking for volunteers who are fluent in both Chinese and English to help us with delicate human translation.

Welcome to Furry Games Index. A project devoted to collecting, organizing, categorizing, and labeling furry games, as well as collecting links to their localization resources. Providing a convenient information retrieval service for ourselves and furry fandom.

The motive for creating this project was that Lucky Doge gave up his Furry Game Collection project, and Utopic Panther once benefited from the project of Lucky Doge, and tried to rebuild a game collection on the Internet.

News Channel and Contacts

Copyright Information

All game data and documents (files in games/, doc/ (but excludes auto-generated doc/spec/directory)) are shared in Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. See the LICENSE.CC-BY-NC-SA4 file in the project root directory.

The copyright of some data (such as game screenshots) belongs to the original owner. We only publish them under the premise of fair use.

The code and base data files (files in all the other directories) for this project is licensed under Version 3 of the GNU General Public License or later of the GNU General Public License.

Open-source softwares credits