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; L programming language was under the MIT license. ; Copyright(c) 2021 nu11ptr team.

Welcome to use L programming language.

L programming language was under the MIT license. Copyright(c) 2021 nu11ptr team.

Simplified Chinese:简体中文开发说明


Based on C++ Standard template libraries

You don't need any other library to create a minimal L programming language,such as "iomanip" or "iostream".


Actually,the L programming language codes was in only two files:var.h and parse.h . You can see,it's very small but complete. :)


You can use these two files on your project. You only need to know these APIs/Classes:

	namespace L->
	class L_base : The base of L programming language.Please inherit it to develop. ->
		std::string toString(void) : convert parsed statement to std::string.
		std::string name : the name of the statement.If input is a expression,it will be the raw of expression.
		std::vector<std::string> : the arguments of the statement.
	//actually,the following is not very important for L interpreter developing(if you don't want to remake a L interpreter,check it).If you want to develop your own interpreter,plese delete the following classes and functions.
	class L based on L_base : L interpreter. ->
		public enum Return_Type : The return value's type of function eval(). ->
			Expression_Calc_Value : Calculated value.If you execute a statement,Return_Value's member "tp" will be this.
			Function_Return_Value : Oh,someone is using return statement!He is trying to return a value.Usually,you need to process this.
			Throw_Return_Value : Something went wrong or an error threw and no one caught it.
		public class Return_Value : The return value of function eval(). ->
			public var L_base base : the statement which is interpreter executes.
			public var Return_Type tp : the return value's type.Usually,its value is equal to Expression_Calc_Value,maybe...
			public var Variable::var value : the return value of function eval().
			public var Variable::var scope : the scope of command.
			public var Variable::var all_scope : the scope of global.
			public var Variable::var this_scope : the scope of 'this' object.(Hey,it is very important!or not.You decide.)
		public Return_Value eval(Variable::var scope) : execute the command.Oh,you should give it an object,not array!
		private Return_Value eval(Variable::var& scope,Variable::var& all_scope,Variable::var& this_scope) : This is a private overload.Do you want to develop your own command?Okay!JUST add an 'else if' statement!
		private Return_Object get_object(std::string object,Variable::var& scope,Variable::var& all_scope,Variable::var& this_scope) : gets the value's reference,or just a const value.You will get it's parent(for native function?) and it's 'this' object(Will it be a reference forever?Sure,so you can use it safely).
		//usually,you can use get_object(...).getValue() (based on condition get_object(...).tp==is_pointer) to get value's reference.
		//also,you can use get_object(...).getConstValue() to get value(not reference,so you can't set it).
		//you can use get_object(...).getParent() (based on condition get_object(...).tp==is_pointer or you can make sure it is a reference!) or get_object(...).getConstParent() to get the variable's parent.
		//you can use get_object(...).getThis() to get a 'this' object's reference.
		private Variable::var exp_calc(Variable::var exp,Variable::var scope,Variable::var all_scope,Variable::var this_scope) : calculate value.You must to use Variable::parse(expression's string) to build an expression object.IT WILL NOT RETURN A REFERENCE.
		private bool isKeyword(std::string x) : if x is a keyword,it will return true.if you need to develop a new command(keyword),you need to modify 'keyword' list.
		private bool isIdentifier(std::string x) : if x is a identifier,it will return true.
	namespace Variable : Variables. ->
		enum var_tp : the variable's type. ->
		class var : variable. ->
			void remove() : removes this variable.After that,you need to execute its parent's update() function to apply this operation.
			void update() : updates members.
			multi-type... IntValue,BooleanValue,StringValue,ArrayValue,ObjectValue,FunctionValue,ExpressionValue : value of the variable.
			bool isConst : if it equals true,it means this variable is const and you cannot modify.
			std::string toString_nonconst() : convert to std::string without const flag.
			std::string toString() : convert to std::string.
			Variable::var convert(const var_tp& tp) : convert variable to tp.IT MAY THROW EXCEPTIONS.
			multi-type... operator... calculate the expression IN C++.
		var parse(std::string p,bool isc=false,bool forceisc=false)  : parse p to variable.if you want to change it's member isConst,please set isc to you want value,and set forcesisc to true.
		std::string getTypeStr(var_tp x) : get tp's string.
		var_tp getStrType(std::string x) : convert x to tp.


We have these types: format: sample -> public id(private id) : can convert to : ... null -> null(Null) : can convert to : nothing. 1 0xf 1.2 -> int(Int) : can convert to : Boolean. true false -> boolean(Boolean) : can convert to : Int. "hello world" "\u0032" -> string(String) : can convert to : Array. [1,2,3] [3,4,5] -> array(Array) : can convert to : Object. {"object":1} -> object(Object) : can convert to : nothing.

tips: You can use const<...> to make sure a literal has const attribute.


These commands are the basic L interpreter supports. tips:[required] (optional=default) var [name](,value=null) : Defines [name] (to value) (if (value) is not specified,it will default to null(is not const value). sample[1]:

var z;#After this,variable 'z' will be null(is not const value).
var x,1;#After this,variable 'x' will be 1(is not const value).
var a,const<1>;#After this,variable 'a' will be const<1>(is const value).
var b,a;#After this,variable 'b' will be 1(is not const value).
var c,const<b>;#After this,variable 'c' will be const<1>(is const value).

mov [name],[value] : Set [name] to [value].CANNOT SET A CONST VARIABLE TO NEW VALUE! sample[1]:

var a,1;
var b;#Variable 'b' is default to null.
mov b,a;#Set variable 'b' from variable 'a'.Variable 'b' will be 1.
var c,const<2>;
mov b,c;#Set variable 'b' from variable 'c'.Variable 'b' will be 2(is not const value).

delete [name] : Deletes [name].CANNOT DELETE A CONST VARIABLE! sample[1]:

var x;
delete x;#okay
#x #it will throw an 'ExpressionError' error,because variable 'x' is not exist anymore.
var y,const<null>;
#delete y; #fail!!!delete statement(command) cannot delete a const variable.

if [exp],[then](,else=()) If condition [exp] is equal to true,it will execute statement block [then].Otherwise,it will execute statement block (else) (if it is specified). sample[1]:

if 1,(throw 1),(throw 2);#it will throw 1.
if 0,(throw 1),(throw 2);#it will throw 2.

switch [case1],[case2],[case3],[case4],...,[default] : Switches conditions. case's format(array):[exp,fn] information[1]:If [exp] is equal to true,it will execute statement block [fn]. information[2]:If no statment block uses break command,it will execute statement block [default]. sample[1]:

switch [1==1,(
    throw 1;
    throw 2;#it will not be executed.
);#throws exception 1
var a;
switch [1==1,(
    mov a,1;
    break;#if you don't add this,default will be executed.
    mov a,2;

while [exp],[fn] : Repeats statement block [fn] until the condition [exp] is not equal to true. sample[1]:

var a,4;
var b,0;
while b!=a,(
    mov b,b+1;
);#it will repeat 4 times.

for [settings],[fn] : Repeats statement block [fn]. setting's format(array):[start(first time),exp(expression,if it is not equal to true,the loop will not start),routine(executes before once loop)] sample[1]:

var a,4;
var b,0;
for [(var i,0),i!=a,(mov i,i+1)],(
    mov b,b+1
);#after this,variable 'b' will be 4.

continue : (only can use in while,for) start next loop. break : (only can use in switch,while,for) jump out from the loop/case. sample[1]:

while 1,(
    break;#it is not a dead loop.
while 1,(
    continue;#it is a dead loop.

return (value=null) : Returns [value]. sample[1]:

return 0;#returns 0.

new [fn](,arguments=null,back_to=discard) : Puts the function in the object and execute it. sample[1]:

var fn,const<(
    mov this["a"],arguments;
var a;
new fn,1,a;
#a = {"a":1}

call [fn](,arguments=null,back_to=discard) : Calls function [fn] and set variable 'arguments' to (arguments),return value to (back_to)(it CANNOT be a const value). sample[1]:

var fn,const<(
    if arguments.type!="array"||arguments.length!=1,(
        return 0;
    return arguments[0];
var a;
var b;
call fn,0,a;#a=0
call fn,[1],b;#b=1

throw [Exception] Throws [Exception]. sample[1]:

throw 0;#it will throw 0

catch [func],[ExceptionFunc] : If [func] throws any Exception,[ExceptionFunc] will catch it(Exception is stored in variable 'arguments'). sample[1]:

var errors_last;
catch (throw "error"),(mov errors_last,arguments);#errors_last="error"

Native Members

using [object].[the name of the member] to access the Native Members. keys : Array -> can use on Object : get the object's keys. eval : Any -> can use on String : execute the statement. parse : Any -> can use on String : execute the expression. type : String -> can use on Any : get the variable's type. length : Int -> can use on Array/String : get the string/array's length. isConst : Boolean -> can use on Any : get the variable's operability. convert(new_type:string) : Any -> can use on Any : convert variable to new type. push(elem:any) : Null -> can use on Array : push a element to the array. pop() : Null -> can use on Array : pop a element from the array. resize(new_size:int) Null -> can use on Array : resize the array. insert(index:int,elem:any) Null -> can use on Array : insert a element before the index. join(str) Null -> can use on Array : put all the elements in the array into a string,split with str. toString() : String -> can use on Any : get the variable's string. substr(start,(end=-1)) String -> can use on String : intercept the string from start to end.



var fn,const<(
    if arguments.type!="array"||arguments.length!=2,(
        throw "failed";
    return arguments[0]+arguments[1];
var a,1;
var b,2;
var final;
call fn,[a,b],final;#final=3
return final;

sample[Fibonacci sequence (recursion)]:

var fib,const<(
    if arguments==0||arguments==1,(return arguments;);
    var x;
    var y;
    call fib,arguments-1,x;
    call fib,arguments-2,y;
    return x+y;
var x;
call fib,10,x;

sample[Fibonacci sequence (not recursion)]:

var fib,const<(
    var a,[0,1,1];
    var n,arguments;
    if n<0,(throw "failed!";);
    if n>=3,(
        for [(var i,3),i<=n,(mov i,i+1)],(
            mov a[i],a[i-1]+a[i-2];
    return a[n];
var x;
call fib,10,x;