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3. Animators

Max^ edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 76 revisions

Utility Features

Move to a keyframe


You can move animators to a new tick by clicking move to a keyframe and clicking on the tick specified.

Duplicate Animator


You can duplicate an animator containing all its information to a new tick by clicking on one.

Play from this timespot


You can play at a certain timespot by clicking play from here this is useful if you don't want to play the entire cutscene from the beginning when making changes.

Scrolling up and down the animator list


You can scroll up and down the animator list if one tick contains more than 3 animators. This essentially allows an unlimited number of animators per tick.

Remove Animator


You can remove an animator by clicking on the remove button below. Some animators like the model animators allow you to remove a sub-frame model (this is explained here from a tick or the entire model animator.

Creating an animator


To create an animator open the keyframes list, select a keyframe, and click add animator you'll then be given several animators to choose from.


The camera animator forces the player to be in the perspective of the cutscene camera and if the settings option bound to camera is on true normal activity is prohibited as well. Using the camera animator is not required you may use the tool for timed events as well.

Creating a camera animator


After clicking on modify camera in the animator options go to the location you want the camera to be at this includes where you are looking at as well then chat "confirm".

Changing camera location


Click on a present camera animator in a tick to view the camera options available and click change camera location then choose your designated location afterward chat "confirm" to set the new location.

Set Look Location


You can set where the camera will look by right-clicking on a block, chatting a valid LocationTag, or chatting "confirm" for your location.

Move Camera

javaw 2022-09-11 19-56-11-721

Determine if the camera will move to the next keyframe point if there is one. Note that look interpolation or camera look location will still work if those are being used.

Rotate Multiplier

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The rotate multiplier determines how fast the camera will turn and rotate to the next keyframe point if look interpolation is being used. The input is a number.

Look Interpolation

javaw 2022-09-11 23-37-50-112

Determine if the camera will smoothly rotate to the next keyframe point otherwise it will remain at the yaw and pitch of the previous keyframe point.

Invert Look

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javaw 2022-09-11 23-48-01-441

Determine if the camera has an upside-down perspective or not.

Path Interpolation Method

javaw 2022-09-12 12-43-10-653

Determine if the movement path to the next keyframe point is linear or curved.

Linear javaw 2022-09-11 23-50-34-212

Smooth javaw 2022-09-11 23-51-18-513

Record Movement

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You can record your movement for the duration specified if there isn't a keyframe in the way and if there is one it cannot exceed the keyframe so it will suggest a time or you can specify a duration less than the keyframe. The recording feature allows you to record complex movements for the camera this is generally useful for close-up shots that require precision. Note that this records every tick of your movement so storage usage may get high at extreme durations.

Camera Path

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After clicking you can see the path the camera will move in the cutscene.

Teleport to the camera location

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You can teleport to the camera location at the timespot.

Model and Entity Animator

The model animator has a few differences compared to the other animators to start there are root models and sub-frame models the root model is essentially the starting point and spawn point of where the model will appear in the cutscene and the subframe models are connected to the root model. A good way to view this type of data is like a chain where the points are connected with the starting point as the root model. So this means if we were to create a new model animator that exceeds the root model in time it will then open a GUI allowing you to chain the root model with the new model animator which in turn allows you to create a path for the model to move.

Here's a demonstration:


Location Tool

The location tool allows you to move a spawned model animator and set a specific location for you where you want the model to go.

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If there is a previous model animator you'll be able to see the path from and to the new location.

Ray Tracing Location


The ray trace method allows you to move the model to your cursor and will go collide with blocks should they be detected. You can increase or decrease the range of the ray, determine if the ray will track passable blocks, track fluids, and you can also reverse the positioning of the model. This allows you to easily set locations for the model animator.

Denizen Models

Creating a new Denizen Model (Root Model)

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After clicking show model chat the ID of the model then use the command /dcutscene model my_model_name to specify what model to use for the model animator.

Create a new Denizen Model (Sub-Frame Model)

javaw 2022-09-12 18-11-30-571

After clicking show model if there is a root model before the timespot it will bring a list of root models you may choose to chain the model with a new sub-frame model or you can create a brand new one by clicking add new model.

New Model ID

javaw 2022-09-12 18-15-08-109

You can change the ID of the model this will also change the ID of all sub-frame models.

Change model GUI Item

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You can change the item displayed in the GUI for the model animator by chatting a valid ItemTag or hand for the item in your hand. This is useful if you have several model animators to determine which is which.

Change Model Location

javaw 2022-09-12 18-18-12-889

You can change the location of the model at the timespot this will use the location tool as well. After choosing a location chat "confirm".

Ray Trace Options

The ray trace options allow you to determine if the model will be floating in the air, walking on the floor, or walking on the ceiling during movement. You can also determine if the ray trace will track liquids or passable blocks.

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Change model to spawn

javaw 2022-09-16 11-15-32-092

After clicking use the command /dcutscene model my_model_name.

Move model

javaw 2022-09-12 18-33-14-957

Determine if the model will move to the next keyframe point.

Play animation

javaw 2022-09-12 18-35-27-120

After clicking run the command /dcutscene animate my_animation and the animation will play at the timespot. It will automatically tab complete animations if they exist for the model. To prevent an animation from playing do /dcutscene animate false and to stop one from playing do /dcutscene animate stop.

Movement path interpolation method

javaw 2022-09-12 18-41-26-709

The path interpolation method the model will move you can see how this appears in the camera animator above.

Show model path

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javaw 2022-09-12 18-42-56-900

You can see the model movement path in the cutscene.

Rotate Interpolation

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Determine if the model will smoothly rotate to the next keyframe point or not.

Rotate Interpolation Multiplier

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You can set how fast the model will smoothly rotate to the next keyframe point by chatting a number. The default is 1.

Teleport to model location

javaw 2022-09-12 19-05-38-716

You can teleport to the model location at the timespot.

Denizen Player Models

Creating a new Player Model (root model)


After clicking show player model chat the ID of the player model which is used as an identifier for the model animator in the cutscene then after choosing your location chat "confirm".

Creating a new Player Model (sub-frame model)

javaw 2022-09-13 17-41-19-353

New Player Model ID

javaw 2022-09-13 17-43-14-507

After clicking you can change the ID of the player model this will also update all sub-frame models as well.

Change Player Model Location

javaw 2022-09-13 17-47-24-238

After clicking use the location tool to set your location and chat "confirm".

Ray Trace Options

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The ray trace options allow you to determine if the model will be floating in the air, walking on the floor, or walking on the ceiling during movement. You can also determine if the ray trace will track liquids or passable blocks.

Move Player Model

javaw 2022-09-13 17-54-03-833

Determine if the player model will move to the next keyframe point.

Play Animation

javaw 2022-09-13 17-55-25-269

After clicking you can play an animation at the timespot using the command /dcutscene animate my_animation. To prevent an animation from playing do /dcutscene animate false and to stop an animation from playing do /dcutscene animate stop.

Change Player Skin

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After clicking you can chat a valid PlayerTag or NPCTag and the player model's skin will change at the timespot.

Movement Path Interpolation Method

javaw 2022-09-13 18-01-11-037

The path interpolation method the model will move to the next keyframe point. You can see how this appears in the camera animator above.

Show Movement Path

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This allows you to see the player model movement path in the cutscene.

Rotate Interpolation

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Determine if the player model will smoothly rotate to the next keyframe point or not.

Rotate Multiplier

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After clicking chat a number to set how fast the model will rotate to the next keyframe point if rotate interpolation is on true. Default number is 1.

Teleport to player model location

javaw 2022-09-13 18-14-13-395

You can teleport to the player model location at the timespot.

Entity (Planned)

Run Task

The run task animator allows you to run a Denizen task script at a specific timespot a use case scenario for this is playing a cutscene of an animated crate opening and giving the player rewards.

Task script:

Run a task script:

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To start click on run task in the animator options and chat the name of the run task script in this case my_example_script.

Change script to run

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You can chat a new task to run after clicking.

Set definitions

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You can pass definitions to parse through the task script by chatting tags such as <> or <list[<>|<player.flag[hello]>]> for multiple definitions.

Waitable Task

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Determine if the run task is waitable or not this is useful for resource-intensive tasks.

Task Delay

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You can chat a delay until the task is run.

Fake Block

The fake block animator allows you to display fake blocks that only the player in the cutscene can see for a duration.

Creating a new fake block animator


After clicking fake block in the animator options you can specify the material with /dcutscene material my_material_name then you can right click on the location you'd like the fake block to be at or chat a valid LocationTag.

Change fake block location

javaw 2022-09-14 09-55-48-782

After clicking you can change the fake block location by right-clicking on a block or chatting a valid LocationTag.

Change fake block material

javaw 2022-09-14 10-22-01-973

After clicking you can change the fake block material with /dcutscene material my_material_name.

Set fake block duration

javaw 2022-09-14 10-23-06-002

You can chat how long the fake block animator will appear for the player. An example is 1m or 20s.

Set procedure script

javaw 2022-09-14 10-25-24-678

For information on this

Set procedure definitions

javaw 2022-09-14 10-25-46-888

For information on this

Teleport to fake block location

javaw 2022-09-14 10-25-58-163

You can teleport to the fake block animator location.

Fake Schematic

The fake schematic animator allows you to paste a schematic that only the player in the cutscene can see for a duration. These schematics can be found in "Denizen/schematics".


Creating a new fake schematic animator


After clicking on the fake schematic in the animator options chat the name of the schematic note that it must be loaded which you can do with /ex schematic load name:my_schematic_name then you can right click a block or chat a valid LocationTag.

Change schematic to paste

javaw 2022-09-14 11-08-29-455

After clicking you can change the schematic to paste by chatting the new schematic name.

Change schematic location

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After clicking you can change the location where the schematic will paste by right-clicking a block or chatting a valid LocationTag.

Change schematic duration

javaw 2022-09-14 11-10-12-179

After clicking you can chat how long the schematic will appear for the player. An example is 1m or 20s.

Paste with air

javaw 2022-09-14 11-11-07-634

Determine if the schematic will paste with air or not.

Schematic paste direction

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You can paste the schematic in 4 different directions which are forward, backward, right, or left.

Teleport to fake schematic location

javaw 2022-09-14 11-13-52-553

You can teleport to the fake schematic paste location.

Cinematic Screeneffect


Creating a new cinematic screeneffect


After clicking cinematic screeneffect in the animator options chat the fade in, stay, and fade out in the format 1s,5s,2s.

Change fade in, stay, and fade out

javaw 2022-09-14 12-28-01-909

You can change the fade in, stay, and fade out by chatting it with the format 1s,5s,3s.

Change Screeneffect Color

javaw 2022-09-14 12-29-19-384

You can change the screeneffect color by chatting a valid color. Example is blue or 150,19,255 for RGB.


The particle animator allows you to display particles that only the player in the cutscene can see.


Creating a new particle animator


After clicking particle in the animator options to specify what particle to use use the command /dcutscene particle particle_name then right-click on a block or chat a valid LocationTag.

Change particle

javaw 2022-09-14 15-11-29-756

After clicking you can change the particle by running /dcutscene particle particle_name.

Change particle location

javaw 2022-09-14 15-08-40-105

After clicking you can change the particle animator location by right-clicking on a block chatting a valid LocationTag.

Change particle quantity

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After clicking chat the number of particles that will play at the particle location.

Visibility range

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You can specify how far the particle can be seen.

Repeat Count

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You can chat how many times the particle animator will play at the location.

Repeat Interval

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This is the repeat rate or how often the particle animator plays a particle depending on the repeat count. You must chat a valid duration such as 1m or 20s.

Particle offset

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This creates a random offset from the original particle location the input is a vector such as 2,5,2.

Set procedure script

For information on this

Set procedure definitions

For information on this

Set special data

javaw 2022-09-14 15-34-20-018

Some particles will require input to the "special_data" argument. The data input is unique per particle.

  • For REDSTONE particles, the input is of format: |, for example: "1.2|red". Color input is any valid ColorTag object.
  • For DUST_COLOR_TRANSITION particles, the input is of format |<from_color>|<to_color>, for example "1.2|red|blue". Color input is any valid ColorTag object.
  • For BLOCK_MARKER, FALLING_DUST, BLOCK_CRACK, or BLOCK_DUST particles, the input is any valid MaterialTag, eg "stone".
  • For VIBRATION, the input is || where origin is a LocationTag and destination is either LocationTag or EntityTag, for example "5s|<context.location>|"
  • For ITEM_CRACK particles, the input is any valid ItemTag, eg "stick".

Particle Velocity

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You can chat the velocity vector for particles to move. An example is 0,3,0 which would make the particle go up and 0,6,0 would make the particle go up even faster.

Teleport to particle

javaw 2022-09-14 15-41-10-671

You can teleport to the particle animator location.


Creating a new title animator


After clicking you may adjust the title with the options.

Change title

javaw 2022-09-14 15-52-12-439

You can change the title in chat you may also use & for color codes.

Change subtitle

javaw 2022-09-14 15-52-55-611

You can change the subtitle in chat you can also use & for color codes.

Change fade in, stay, and fade out.

javaw 2022-09-14 15-53-22-450

You can chat the fade in, stay, and fade out in the format 1s,3s,1s.


Creating a new command animator


Change command

javaw 2022-09-14 15-56-41-213

You can chat the new command to run.

Execute as

javaw 2022-09-14 15-57-01-769

Determine if the command will be ran as the player or server.

Silent Command

javaw 2022-09-14 15-57-31-815

Determine if the command is silent meaning there is no output in the console this may or may not work for some commands.


The message animator allows you to send a message to the player during the cutscene.

Creating a new message animator


After clicking send message in the animator options you can chat the message you may also use & for color codes.

Change message

javaw 2022-09-14 16-18-57-671

You can change the message and use & for color codes.


The sound animator lets you play a sound to the player or at a location.

Creating a new sound animator


After clicking add sound to specify what sound to play use the command /dcutscene sound my_sound_name.

Change sound

javaw 2022-09-14 16-29-02-291

After clicking use the command /dcutscene sound my_sound_name to change the sound.

Sound volume

javaw 2022-09-14 16-29-56-038

You can chat the volume of the sound.

Sound pitch

javaw 2022-09-14 16-35-25-937

You can chat the pitch of the sound.

Set sound location

javaw 2022-09-14 16-36-22-139

You can set where the sound will play by right-clicking on a block or chatting a valid LocationTag.

Custom sound

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If the sound is custom make sure this is on true.

Stop sound

javaw 2022-09-14 16-37-27-786

Determine what sound or if all sounds will stop at the tick.


The time animator allows you to set the time for the player in the cutscene this does not update the server time.

Creating a time animator


After clicking chat the time with a valid duration like 10000t.

Time duration

javaw 2022-09-14 16-42-14-051

You can chat how long the time will appear for the player.

Freeze time

javaw 2022-09-14 16-43-23-216

Determine if the time is frozen or not for the player.

Reset time

javaw 2022-09-14 16-46-29-475

Determine if the time resets and reverts to the server time for the player or not.


The weather animator allows you to set the weather for the player in the cutscene this does not update the server weather.

Creating a new weather animator


After clicking you may modify the weather animator.

Set weather

javaw 2022-09-14 16-50-51-225

Determine what weather appears for the player in the cutscene.

Weather duration

javaw 2022-09-14 16-51-25-990

Chat how long the weather appears for the player.

Play another scene


You can play another cutscene at the timespot.

Creating a play scene animator


After clicking chat the name of the cutscene to play.

Stop Scene

The stop scene animator allows you to stop the cutscene at the timespot.

Creating a new stop scene animator


After adding the stop scene animator you'll be able to see that you can no longer add new animators beyond the timespot specified.

javaw 2022-09-14 17-20-05-310

You can also see where the stop point is.

javaw 2022-09-14 17-19-57-641

Good luck with your cutscene creation ;).

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