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Disposable Widgets and Tools Module (For PhpVms v7)

Update Notes


  • FlightMap Widget will show user's flown city pairs with a different color.


  • Update helpers to show SimBrief Booking state as AC state too.


  • Failsafe for $user (thanks @derrobin154)
  • German Translation (thanks @derrobin154)


  • Removed deprecated Dispo_FlightTypes function from module helpers


  • Added a failsafe to FlightsMap (during initial setup of phpvms, admin has no home or current airport)


  • Fixed FlightMaps Widget controller (pilot company restriction filter)


  • Added two new widgets
  • Added Days decoding function
  • Fixed some minor errors in current widgets

Module provides some widgets and tools for your v7 installation.

Manual Installation Steps

Upload contents of the module (or pull via GitHub) to your root/modules/DisposableTools folder.
Go to admin section and enable the module, that's all.
After enabling/disabling modules an app cache cleaning process may be necessary (check admin/maintenance).


Call the widgets anywhere you want like you call/load others

@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\AircraftLists', ['type' => 'location'])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\AircraftStats', ['id' => $aircraft->id])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\AirportAircrafts', ['location' => $airport->id])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\AirportPireps', ['location' => $airport->id])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\PersonalStats', ['disp' => 'full', 'user' => $user->id])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\TopAirlines', ['count' => 3, 'type' => 'flights'])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\TopAirports', ['count' => 5, 'type' => 'dep'])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\TopPilots', ['type' => 'landingrate'])

@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\SunriseSunset', ['location' => $airport->id])
@widget('Modules\DisposableTools\Widgets\FlightsMap', ['source' => $hub->id])

Options: ActiveUsers

Nothing except mins (minutes for inactivity timer)

  • ['mins' => 3] Sets timer to 3 mins (default is 5 mins)

Options : AircraftLists

This widget has only one option called type and it displays either your aircraft count according to their locations or a count according the their ICAO type codes.

type can be location or icao

  • ['type' => 'icao']
  • ['type' => 'location']

By default widget will display aircraft counts per airport

Options : AircraftStats

This widget has only one option called id, just provide an aircraft id and stats will be displayed

  • ['id' => $aircraft->id]

Options: AirlineStats

This widget has only one option called airline and it displays either your total system stats or stats for the airline choosed.

airline can be any airline's id number

  • ['airline' => 3] or
  • ['airline' => {{ $user->airline->id }}] or
  • ['airline' => {{ $flight->airline->id }}] *this depends how and where you want to use the widget

By default widget will display overall stats of your phpvms installation.

Options : AirportAircrafts

This widget has only one option called location and it displays your aircrafts at given location.

location must be an airport_id (4 letter ICAO code)

  • ['location' => 'LTCG'] or
  • ['location' => $airport->icao] if you are going to use it in Airports page
  • ['location' => $flight->dpt_airport_id] if you are going to use it in Bids or Flight Details page

By default widget will not display any aircrafts as expected

Options : AirportPireps

This widget has only one option called location and it displays pireps for given location.

location must be an airport_id (4 letter ICAO code)

  • ['location' => 'LTAI'] or
  • ['location' => $airport->icao] if you are going to use it in Airports page
  • ['location' => $flight->dpt_airport_id] if you are going to use it in Bids or Flight Details page

By default widget will not display any pireps as expected

Options : AirportInfo

No options needed, lists your airports and provides a button to visit that Airport's page
(This widget is developed by Maco and being used in this module by his permission.)

Options: FlightTimeMultiplier

No options for this, it is just a javascript calculator. Enter hours, minutes and the multiplier to get the result.Some VA's or platforms offer double or multiplied hours for some tours and events, thus this may come in handy.

Widget may be placed anywhere you wish, best possible location is your pirep fields.blade, just below or above submit/edit buttons.

Options : PersonalStats

For PersonalStats there are four main options which are user, disp, type and period;

user can be any user's id or not used at all
period can be any number of days (except 0 of course), currentm, lastm, prevm, currenty, lasty or not used at all
disp can be full or not used at all
type can be avglanding, avgscore, avgtime, tottime, avgdistance, totdistance, avgfuel, totfuel, totflight

If no user is defined, widget get current user's data for calculations. This may be used for dashboard or any personal pages where the viewer will be able to see his results. If you want to put some stats on the user's profile page then you need to define the user otherwise every visitor will see their stats :)
(['user' => $user->id] is enough to get proper results at user profile page)

If no period is defined then all accepted reports will be used for calculations, else you will get the result for the last n days you provided like Average Landing Rate for flights done in last 15 days
(['period' => 7] will give you the last 7 days)

If you want to have a full card with the result and the info text then use 'disp' => full, while calling the widget. It should be compatible with the default template and stisla but if you need you can customize the look in the personalstats.blade file.
Also if you are not using English then you can define the text in your own language in the same file.

  • ['disp' => 'full', 'user' => $user->id, 'type' => 'totfuel', 'period' => 'lastm'] : Total Fuel Spent During Last Month
  • ['disp' => 'full', 'user' => $user->id, 'type' => 'avglanding'] : Average Landing Rate displayed in a card
  • ['user' => $user->id, 'type' => 'totdistance', 'period' => 7] : Plain text total distance in last 7 days
  • ['user' => $user->id, 'type' => 'totflight', 'period' => 3] : Plain text number of flights in last 3 days

By default widget will provide average landing rate without any html styling considering the viewer's pireps.

Options: TopAirlines

For TopAirlines there are three main options.They are count, type and period;

count can be any number you want (except 0 of course)
type can be flights, time or distance
period can be currentm, lastm, prevm, currenty or lasty

  • ['count' => 5, 'type' => 'flights']
  • ['count' => 10, 'type' => 'time']
  • ['count' => 8, 'type' => 'distance']

By default widget will report overall top 3 airlines by their flight counts
If you want to see your "Best" airline, just set the count to 1

Options: TopAirports

For TopAirports there are two options.They are count and type;

count can be any number you want (except 0 of course)
type can be dep or arr

  • ['count' => 8, 'type' => 'dep']
  • ['count' => 5, 'type' => 'arr']

By default (without any options set) widget will report top 3 airports by departure counts

Options: TopPilots

For TopPilots there are three main options.They are count, type and period;

count can be any number you want (except 0 of course)
type can be flights, time, distance or landingrate
period can be currentm, lastm, prevm, currenty or lasty

  • ['count' => 5, 'type' => 'flights']
  • ['count' => 10, 'type' => 'time']
  • ['count' => 8, 'type' => 'distance']
  • ['count' => 1, 'type' => 'landingrate']

By default widget will report overall top 3 pilots by their flight counts
If you want to see your "Best" pilot, just set the count to 1

Options : SunriseSunset

This widget has only one option called location and it displays sunrise/sunset times of given location.

location must be an airport_id (4 letter ICAO code)

  • ['location' => 'LTAI'] or
  • ['location' => $airport->id] if you are going to use it in Airports page
  • ['location' => $flight->dpt_airport_id] if you are going to use it in Bids or Flight Details page

Options : FlightsMap

Shows a Leaflet map from flights or user pireps, Leatlet map itself can be configured/styled via widget blade file if needed.
Has 3 main options, these are source , visible and limit . Visible and limit should be used in custom cases, provided defaults for them are ok for generic usage.

if used source can be an airport_id (4 letter ICAO code), an airline_id or user (not user_id, plain text user) or can be skipped at all.
if used visible must be either false or true (it show visible flights or hides them - default is true like phpvms and only visible flights are used)
if used limit must be a numeric value like 50, which will limit the flights being drawn on the map. Default is null so all flights are drawn.

  • ['source' => 'LTAI'] or
  • ['source' => $airport->id] if you are going to use it in Airports page
  • ['source' => $hub->id] if you are going to use it in Disposable Hubs Module: Hub Page
  • ['source' => $airline->id] if you are going to use it in Disposable Airlines Module: Airline Page
  • ['source' => $airline->id, 'limit' => 200] if you are going to use it at Disposable Airlines Module: Airline Page with a limit of max 200 flight.
  • ['source' => 'user', 'limit' => 100] if you are going to use it at User Profile page with a limit of last 100 pireps.

To use the widget at phpvms Flights page, there is no need to define a source. Just load/call the widget directly.
It will follow your admin side settings to filter results (like pilots only see their airline's flights or flight's from their current location)

Safe flights and enjoy.