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Amos Hayes edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the Nunaliit wiki!

If you're seeking a step-by-step tutorial on running your own Nunaliit atlas, please consult the Nunaliit Tutorial Wiki.

For a more comprehensive reference manual on building atlases with Nunaliit, please consult the Nunaliit Documentation for Atlas Builders.

If you have a question, please open a new issue in GitHub. We will label the issue as a question, and close them when we think they have been answered.

Answered Questions

Open Questions

If you want to discuss Nunaliit with our community of developers and users, you may register with a free matrix homeserver to participate in our Nunaliit chat channel.

If you are interested in helping to enhance Nunaliit or fix bugs, the Nunaliit Documentation for Developers provides more detailed information on building and contributing code.