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The-Malta-Car-Meet Website

Landing Page

View the live project here

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How does it work
  3. UX
    1. Ideal User Demographic
    2. User Stories
    3. Development Planes
  4. Features
    1. Design Features
    2. Existing Features
    3. Features to Implement in the future
  5. Technologies Used
    1. Main Languages Used
    2. Frameworks, Libraries & Programs Used
  6. Testing
  7. Deployment
    1. Deploying on GitHub Pages
  8. Credits 2. Media 3. Code
  9. Acknowledgements


From this website you can view the place where the next events will take place, pictures and video from gallary and sign up to get the latest updates of new events.

How does it work

This website uses AngularJS to route viewers through the site and control which Javascript is executed. The site is styled with Bootstrap. The quiz has been created using Javascript and modal for enlarging images is displayed using some JQuery code. Bower has been used to manage package dependencies for deployment of site on github pages. The site can be viewed HERE


Ideal User Demographic

The ideal user for this website is:

  • Current user
  • New user
  • Car enthusiast


Current User Goals

  1. As a current user, I want to see regular updates to the information and new events.
  2. As a current user, I want to easily navigate through the site and access the information I require with ease.
  3. As a current user, I want to easily navigate to content I have previously viewed within a small number of steps.

New User Goals

  1. As a new user, I want to easily navigate the entire site intuitively.
  2. As a new user, I want the information I seek to be easily accessible and relevant.
  3. As a new user, I want attractive and relevant visuals and colour schemes that work with the content.


To create a comprehensive website that has a gallary of the latest events with videos and images. Locations of meetups and an easy contact us page with easy way to contact us.


The information above was then organized in a hierarchical tree structure, a site map, showing how users can navigate through the site with ease and efficiency, with the following results:


Wireframes were made to showcase the appearance of the site pages while keeping a positive user experience in mind. The wireframes were created using a desktop version of Balsamiq.

Balsamiq Wireframes

-Index page frame work Index page frame work

-Gallery page frame work Gallery page frame work

-Sign up page frame work Sign up page frame work

In addition to this, concept art was made using Balsmamiq to showcase the appearance of the home page. The concept art made some improvements upon the initial wireframes with regards to layout and features. but stayed mostly true to the original design.


Colour Scheme

For the color scheme a modern black and white team was chosen as it also allows color blind users to easly navigate the website. Background for text used where the following:

  • rgba(39, 29, 29, 0.7); - On Homepage Car of the month
  • rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); - On Homepage Events
  • rgb(58, 58, 58); - Social network logo color in all footers
  • color: #252525; - H1 and H2 color
  • color: #3A3A3A; - Paragraphs and a tags


The typography pairing used on the site are [Caveat], and Edu QLD Beginner, imported from Google Fonts. A backup of cursive or Sans-Serif had been applied in case of import failure.

Caveat was chosen for the Main H1 and H2 , with the rest using the font Edu QLD Beginner.


The selected imagery has been sourced from Pixabay as a free source.

Various images, found in the images folder, these are beening used across the site.


Design Features

Existing Features

  • Eye catching front page with event winner picture
    • grid picture box in gallary
  • Information page.
    • Top navigation to go to different parts of the website
  • Media page with pictures and a video
  • Links page to social media

Features Left to Implement

  • None

Technologies Used

Main Languages Used

Frameworks, Libraries & Programs Used

  • Google Fonts
    • Google fonts was used to import the fonts into the style.css file. These fonts were used throughout the project.
  • Font Awesome
    • Font Awesome was used on almost all pages throughout the website to import icons (e.g. social media icons) for UX purposes.
  • GitPod
    • GitPod was used for writing code, commiting, and then pushing to GitHub.
  • GitHub
    • GitHub was used to store the project after pushing
  • Balsamiq
    • Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes during the design phase of the project.


  • Prototype code was written and tested using several web browsers

  • All code used on the site has been tested to ensure everything is working as expected

  • Site viewed and tested in the following browsers:

    • Google Chrome
    • Opera
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Mozilla Firefox
  • HTML Validtior by -

  • HTML and CSS validation was done via Direct manual input for each page and url. No errors were given with screen shoots validation below.

    -Index page



-Gallary page

Gallary page

Gallary Page

-Sign up page

Sign up page

Sign up Page

style Page

style Page

  • lighthouse performance

  • Lighthouse was done on evey page with very good score. Pdf with the result are avalable below.

    performance-pdf for Index Page

    performance-pdf for Galary Page

    performance-pdf for SignUp page


This project was developed using GitPod, which was then committed and pushed to GitHub using the GitPod terminal.

Deploying on GitHub Pages

To deploy this page to GitHub Pages from its GitHub repository, the following steps were taken:

  1. Log into GitHub or create an account.
  2. Locate the GitHub Repository.
  3. At the top of the repository, select Settings from the menu items.
  4. Scroll down the Settings page to the "Pages" section.
  5. Under "Source" click the drop-down menu labelled "None" and select "Main".
  6. Upon selection, the page will automatically refresh meaning that the website is now deployed.
  7. Scroll back down to the "Pages" section to retrieve the deployed link.



  • Almost all images were sourced from the various artists from Pixabay.
  • All videos were sourced from Gumbal`s channel on YouTube


The code was made from the skeleton of the example used in the coders coffee house but it was implimented in my own way. Using different stratages of colors ,placements and use for the website.


  • I would like to thank my family for their valued opinions and critic during the process of design and development, espacially my wife while trying to hold down the fort with our 3 week old daughter Millie <3 .
  • I would like to thank my mentor, Brian Macharia , for helping me to give a better knowladge about what was needed for the project. This was very helpfull as this was my last attempt to pass this test.
  • Thank you for all of the support.


A website for the locals to do car meets - Project 1






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