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Common API C

Purpose and Principles

The purpose of this project is to enable programs written in C to work with interfaces defined in Franca IDL [franca]. This would allow writing application code for both clients and servers that does not depend on the communication mechanism between them (e.g., D-Bus, SOME/IP, in-process, etc.) For this to work, the application code needs to rely on a defined mapping of Franca IDL to C language constructs and on the corresponding run-time support. Additionally to that, the communication via a particular mechanism is implemented by the binding code that is generated automatically.

The following principles and constraints apply:

  • Align as much as possible with the Franca IDL mapping (e.g., for the data types) and implementation features (e.g., the approach to concurrency) implemented by Common API for C++ [capicxx].

  • Rely on the existing Franca framework for model transformations and code generation under Eclipse.

  • Leave with applications the design choices related to concurrency (i.e., the main event loop vs. threading), to memory management (i.e., dynamic vs. static allocation) and to other major areas.

  • Prioritize D-Bus/kdbus and in-process communication over other mechanisms for Linux environments.

  • Support non-Linux environments and especially embedded, resource-constrained systems (e.g., do not require using dynamically allocated memory).

  • Long-term, minimize the redundancy with the Common API for C++ in the areas of Eclipse tooling and run-time support (e.g., backend libraries).


  • MPL-2.0 for all source code, except

  • EPL-1.0 for all Eclipse plug-ins in the tools/ directory.

Governance and Infrastructure

This project is run under the governance of GENIVI System Infrastructure Expert Group. Contributions are accepted from all interested parties independent of their GENIVI affiliation (see [contribute], Option 1).

git repository:

Mailing list:

Issue tracker:


Update site:

Code Generation

Common API C project includes code generators that are implemented in Eclipse/Xtend environment and rely on existing Franca plug-ins [franca]. The generators take Franca IDL files as input and produce C code compatible with the run-time support library.

See tools/README.adoc for more details.

Dependencies and Installation

This project includes several sub-projects, each with its own build scripts. The source of shared backend library capic is under the top-level directory. Several reference examples are located in their own sub-directories under ref/.

All sub-projects require sd-bus and sd-event (provided as a part of libsystemd) and are compatible with systemd versions starting with v219. However, the reference examples must be explicitly told to support systemd v219 or v220 (e.g., by appending -DCC_SD_API_VERSION=219 to CFLAGS before the build). Additionally, the application ref/game requires GLib.

All sub-projects use autotools and can be built and installed from the git repo with the following commands executed from their respective directory:

$ ./ ; ./configure ; make ; sudo make install

The build and functionality of the reference examples were tested and are known to work with the fido release of Poky core-image-minimal (e.g., with fido:08d32590411568e7bf11612ac695a6e9c6df6286) and with Fedora 23 Alpha. In either environment, the functionality was tested with both kdbus and dbus-1 as the transport. Since all reference examples use the system bus, the corresponding policy for dbus-1 on the test system must be relaxed to allow arbitrary applications to connect and communicate (e.g., by modifying /etc/dbus-1/system-local.conf). No policy adjustments are needed for kdbus.

Coding Style

The coding style for the C language is similar to that of the Linux kernel. There are (of course), a couple of differences. For example, the indentation uses fours spaces instead of tabs. A more formal description is given by the following configuration for clang-format:

BasedOnStyle: LLVM
IndentWidth: 4
UseTab: Never
BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
IndentCaseLabels: false
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 2
AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline
# Not available in 3.5
# SpaceAfterCStyleCast: true

There are also some additional tweaks that clang-format cannot handle:

  • The parameter list in function declarations and definitions should be broken up in the same way as for function calls. That is there is always a break after the opening parenthesis and all following lines are indented:

    void function_declaration_that_must_be_broken_up(
        void *parameter1, void *parameter2, void *parameter3, void *parameter4);
  • In compound statements if, for, switch, or while followed by a block and where the expression in parentheses was broken up into multiple lines, the line break should be inserted before the brace (and not after it):

    if (long_expression_that_will_have_to_be_broken_across_multiple_lines &&