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Trybe's Full-Stack Web Development Course


Here you will see all of my development during the course, with exercises and projects.

Trybe is a school for people who want to build a successful career in the technology area. The program has more than 1.500 hours of in-person and online classes and deals with software development introduction, front-end, back-end, computer science, software engineering, agile methodologies and behavioral skills.


Certificate of completion (December 2021)

This is my progress:

Module 1 - Fundamentals of Web Development

Block 01 Unix, Bash & Shell Script Completed
1.0 Setup βœ”οΈ
1.1 Fundamentals of Web Development βœ”οΈ
1.2 Introduction - Unix & Shell βœ”οΈ
1.3 Unix & Bash - Part I βœ”οΈ
1.4 Unix & Bash - Part II βœ”οΈ
Block 02 Git, GitHub & Internet Completed
2.1 Git & GitHub - What it is and what it is for βœ”οΈ
2.2 Git & GitHub - Understanding commands βœ”οΈ
2.3 Internet - Understanding how it works βœ”οΈ
Block 03 Introduction to HTML and CSS Completed
3.1 HTML & CSS - Page structures βœ”οΈ
3.2 HTML & CSS - Getting Started with CSS βœ”οΈ
3.3 HTML & CSS - Selectors and positioning βœ”οΈ
3.4 Semantic HTML βœ”οΈ
3.5 πŸ““ PROJECT - Lessons Learned β€” [PR] β€” [GitHub Pages] βœ”οΈ
Block 04 Introduction to JavaScript and Programming Logic Completed
4.1 JavaScript - Introduction & First Steps βœ”οΈ
4.2 JavaScript - Array and loop For βœ”οΈ
4.3 JavaScript - Programming Logic and Algorithms βœ”οΈ
4.4 JavaScript - Objects and Functions βœ”οΈ
4.5 πŸ““ PROJECT - Playground Functions β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 05 JavaScript: DOM, Events and Web Storage Completed
5.1 JavaScript - DOM and Selectors βœ”οΈ
5.2 JavaScript - Working with Elements βœ”οΈ
5.3 JavaScript - Events βœ…
5.4 JavaScript - Web Storage βœ”οΈ
5.5 Fundamentals - JavaScript - Projects
πŸ““ PROJECT - Art with Pixels β€” [PR] β€” [GitHub Pages]
5.6 πŸ““ PROJECT - Task List β€” [PR] β€” [GitHub Pages] βœ”οΈ
5.7 πŸ““ BONUS PROJECT - Meme Generator β€” [PR] β€” [GitHub Pages] βœ”οΈ
5.8 πŸ““ BONUS PROJECT - Guess the Color β­•
5.9 πŸ““ BONUS PROJECT - Mysterious Card β­•
Block 06 HTML and CSS: Forms, Flexbox and Responsive Completed
6.1 HTML & CSS - Forms βœ”οΈ
6.2 JavaScript Libraries and CSS Frameworks βœ”οΈ
6.3 Introduction - CSS Flexbox
CSS Flexbox - Part 1
6.4 CSS Flexbox - Part 2 βœ”οΈ
6.5 Responsive CSS - Mobile First βœ”οΈ
6.6 πŸ““ PROJECT - Facebook Homepage β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 07 Introduction to JavaScript ES6 and Unit Tests Completed
7.1 JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions and template literals βœ”οΈ
7.2 JavaScript ES6 - Objects βœ”οΈ
7.3 JavaScript unit tests βœ”οΈ
7.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - JavaScript Unit Tests β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 08 Higher Order Functions of JavaScript ES6 Completed
8.1 JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort βœ”οΈ
8.2 JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - map e filter βœ”οΈ
8.3 JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - reduce βœ”οΈ
8.4 JavaScript ES6 - spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring and more βœ”οΈ
8.5 πŸ““ PROJECT - Zoo functions β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 09 Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises Completed
9.1 Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks βœ”οΈ
9.2 JavaScript Promises βœ”οΈ
9.3 πŸ““ PROJECT - Shopping Cart β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 10 Automated testing with Jest Completed
10.1 First steps at Jest βœ…
10.2 Jest - Asynchronous Tests βœ”οΈ
10.3 Jest - Simulating behaviors βœ”οΈ
10.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Asynchronous Jest and Mocking β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ

Module 2 - Front-end development

Block 11 Introduction to React Completed
11.1 Introduction - Front-end
Introduction - React
'Hello, world!' in React!
11.2 React Components βœ”οΈ
11.3 πŸ““ PROJECT - Movie Cards Library β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 12 Components with State, Events and Forms with React Completed
12.1 Components with state and events βœ…
12.2 Forms in React βœ”οΈ
12.3 πŸ““ PROJECT - Movie Cards Library - Stateful β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 13 Component Life Cycle and React Router Completed
13.1 Component life cycles βœ”οΈ
13.2 React Router βœ”οΈ
13.3 πŸ““ PROJECT - Movie Cards Library - CRUD β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 14 Agile Methodologies Completed
14.1 Agile Methodologies βœ”οΈ
14.2 πŸ““ PROJECT - Frontend Online Store β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 15 Automated testing with React Testing Library Completed
15.1 RTL - Getting Started βœ”οΈ
15.2 RTL - Mocks and Inputs βœ”οΈ
15.3 RTL - Testing React Router βœ”οΈ
15.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Tests in React β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 16 State management with Redux Completed
16.1 Introduction to Redux - The global state of the application βœ”οΈ
16.2 Using Redux in React βœ”οΈ
16.3 Using Redux in React - Practice βœ”οΈ
16.4 Using Redux in React - Asynchronous Actions βœ”οΈ
16.5 Tests in React-Redux ❌
16.6 πŸ““ PROJECT - Trybe Wallet β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 17 Trivia Game Project Completed
17.1 πŸ““ PROJECT - Trivia Game β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 18 Context API and React Hooks Completed
18.1 React Context API βœ”οΈ
18.2 React Hooks - useState and useContext βœ”οΈ
18.3 React Hooks - useEffect and custom Hooks βœ”οΈ
18.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Datatable StarWars with Context API and Hooks β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 19 Recipe App Project Completed
19.1 πŸ““ PROJECT - Recipe App β€” [PR] βœ…

Module 3 - Back-end development

Block 20 Introduction to SQL Completed
20.1 Introduction - Back-end
Introduction - Relational Databases
SQL database
20.2 Finding data in a database βœ”οΈ
20.3 Filtering data specifically βœ”οΈ
20.4 Manipulating tables βœ”οΈ
20.5 πŸ““ PROJECT - All for One β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 21 SQL functions, Joins and Subqueries Completed
21.1 Most used functions in SQL βœ”οΈ
21.2 Uncomplicating JOINs, UNIONs and Subqueries βœ”οΈ
21.3 Stored Routines & Stored Functions βœ”οΈ
21.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Vocabulary Booster β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 22 Database Modeling and Standardization Completed
22.1 Transforming ideas into a database model - Part 1 βœ”οΈ
22.2 Normalization, Normal Forms and Dumps βœ”οΈ
22.3 Transforming ideas into a database model - Part 2 βœ”οΈ
22.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - One for All β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 23 Introduction to MongoDB Completed
23.1 Introduction - NoSQL
Introduction - MongoDB
23.2 Filter Operators βœ”οΈ
23.3 πŸ““ PROJECT - Data Flights β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 24 MongoDB: Simple and Complex Updates Completed
24.1 Simple Updates βœ”οΈ
24.2 Complex Updates - Arrays - Part 1 βœ”οΈ
24.3 Complex Updates - Arrays - Part 2 βœ”οΈ
24.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Commerce β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 25 MongoDB: Aggregation Framework Completed
25.1 Aggregation Framework - Part 1 βœ”οΈ
25.2 Aggregation Framework - Part 2 βœ”οΈ
25.3 πŸ““ PROJECT - Aggregations β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 26 Introduction to Web Development with NodeJS Completed
26.1 Node.js - Introduction βœ”οΈ
26.2 Node.js - Asynchronous Stream βœ”οΈ
26.3 Tests with Node.js βœ”οΈ
26.4 Express: HTTP with Node.js βœ”οΈ
26.5 Express: Middlewares βœ”οΈ
26.6 πŸ““ PROJECT - Talker Manager β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 27 NodeJS: Rest and Restful Architecture and Service Layer Completed
27.1 Introduction - Software Architecture
Software Architecture - Model Layer
27.2 Software Architecture - Controller and Service Layer βœ”οΈ
27.3 Web Architecture - Rest and Restful βœ”οΈ
27.4 Software Architecture - Testing the Layers βœ”οΈ
27.5 πŸ““ PROJECT - Store Manager β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 28 Authentication and File Upload Completed
28.1 NodeJS - JWT - (JSON Web Token) βœ”οΈ
28.2 NodeJS - Uploading files with multer βœ”οΈ
28.3 NodeJS - Testing APIs with Integration Tests βœ”οΈ
28.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Cookmaster β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 29 Introduction to Web Development with NodeJS Completed
29.1 Introduction - Deploy
Infrastructure - Deploy with Heroku
29.2 Deploy - Process Managers βœ”οΈ
29.3 πŸ““ PROJECT - Stranger Things (Back-end / Front-end) βœ”οΈ
Block 30 Architecture: SOLID and ORM Completed
30.1 Architecture - SOLID Principles βœ…
30.2 ORM - Application interface with the database βœ…
30.3 ORM - Associations βœ…
30.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Blogs API β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 31 Sockets Completed
31.1 Software Architecture - View Layer βœ”οΈ
31.2 Sockets - TCP/UDP & NET βœ”οΈ
31.3 Sockets - βœ…
31.4 Sockets - Practicing βœ…
31.5 πŸ““ PROJECT - Webchat β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 32 Project - Delivery App Completed
32.1 πŸ““ PROJECT - Delivery App

Module 4 - Computer Science

Block 33 Introduction to Python Completed
33.1 Introduction - Computer Science
Learning Python
33.2 Data Input and Output βœ”οΈ
33.3 Tests βœ”οΈ
33.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Job Insights β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 34 Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns Completed
34.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) βœ”οΈ
34.2 Inheritance, Composition and Interfaces βœ”οΈ
34.3 Design Patterns βœ”οΈ
34.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Inventory Reports β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 35 Networks and Data Scraping Completed
35.1 Network Architecture βœ”οΈ
35.2 Computer Networks, Tools and Security βœ”οΈ
35.3 Data Scraping βœ”οΈ
35.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Tech News β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 36 Algorithms Completed
36.1 Algorithm Complexity βœ”οΈ
36.2 Recursiveness and Problem Solving Strategies βœ”οΈ
36.3 Sorting and Search Algorithms βœ”οΈ
36.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Algorithms β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ
Block 37 Data Structure I: Arrays, Hashmaps and Sets Completed
37.1 Computer Architecture βœ”οΈ
37.2 Arrays βœ”οΈ
37.3 Hashmap and Dict βœ”οΈ
37.4 Set βœ”οΈ
37.5 πŸ““ PROJECT - Restaurant Orders β€” [PR] βœ…
Block 38 Data Structure II: Lists, Queues and Stacks Completed
38.1 Nodes and Linked Lists βœ”οΈ
38.2 Deque βœ”οΈ
38.3 Stacks βœ”οΈ
38.4 πŸ““ PROJECT - Trybe Is Not Google (TING) β€” [PR] βœ”οΈ

β­• : Currently active Lesson or Project.
βœ”οΈ : 100% Completed Lesson/Project.
βœ… : Completed Lesson/Project without bonus tasks.

πŸ’­ Questions or suggestions? Send me a message!