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GIfatahTH edited this page Sep 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

Practically, in any non-trivial application, we have to use at least one scrollable widget. ScrollController is used to gain full control over a Scrollable widget.

Similar to AnimationController and TextEditingController, ScrollController has its own dedicated Injected state.

Creation of the InjectedScrolling state

final scroll = RM.injectScrolling(
  //Optional arguments
  initialScrollOffset: 0.0,
  keepScrollOffset: true,
  endScrollDelay: 300,
  onScrolling: (scroll){
  • initialScrollOffset, keepScrollOffset have similar meaning as in Flutter.
  • endScrollDelay is the time in milliseconds to wait after the user stops scrolling to consider the scroll event as completed (ended).
  • onScrolling callback is invoked each time the attached ScrollController emits a notification.

Inside onScrolling, you can catch a lot of handy scrolling events. You can manage 9 events:

final scroll = RM.injectScrolling(
  onScrolling: (scroll){

    if (scroll.hasReachedMinExtent) {
      print('Scrolling vertical list is in its top position');
    if (scroll.hasReachedMaxExtent) {
      print('Scrolling vertical list is in its bottom position');

    if (scroll.hasStartedScrolling) {
      //Called only one time.
      print('User has just start scrolling');
    if (scroll.hasStartedScrollingForward) {
      print('User has just start scrolling in the forward direction');
    if (scroll.hasStartedScrollingReverse) {
      print('User has just start scrolling in the reverse direction');

    if (scroll.isScrolling) {
      //Called as long as the user is scrolling
      print('User is scrolling the list');
    if (scroll.isScrollingForward) {
      print('User is scrolling the list in the forward direction');
    if (scroll.isScrollingReverse) {
      print('User is scrolling the list in the reverse direction');

    if (scroll.hasEndedScrolling) {
      // After the user stop scrolling and  after waiting for the defined endScrollDelay 
      print('User has stopped scrolling');


Attach the InjectedScrolling with a scrollable widget:

    controller: scroll.controller,
    children: <Widget>[],

In the widget tree, you can listen to the scrolling events and render the appropriate widget using OnScrollBuilder widget.

Here, we manage to hide the FloatingActionButton while the user is scrolling and show it when the user stops scrolling:

floatingActionButton: OnScrollBuilder(
  listenTo: scroll,
  builder: (scroll) {
    if (scroll.isScrolling) {
      //While scrolling return an empty container
      return Container();
    return FloatingActionButton(
      onPressed: () {},

InjectedScrolling getter and methods:

  • scroll.offset : get the current offset,
  • scroll.maxScrollExtent: get the max offset of the scrollable list.
  • scroll.minScrollExtent: get the min offset of the scrollable list.
  • scroll.moveTo(100): method to move the scroll list to the demanded offset.

InjectedScrolling state:

the state of "InjectedScrolling" contains the fraction of the current "offset" from the "maxScrollExtent". It is always between 0 and 1, where 0 means the start of the scrollable list while 1 is the end of the list.

Setting the state of InjectedScrolling will move the list to the corresponding offset percentage:


scroll.state = 0.0; // move the list to the start
scroll.state = 0.5; // move the list to the middle
scroll.state = 1.0 // move the list to the end

This is an example where we link the scrolling list to a Slider. Scrolling through the list will change the position of the Slider and changing the value of the Slider will scroll through the list.

        children: <Widget>[
            listenTo: scroll,
            builder: (_) {
              return Slider(
                value: scroll.state,
                onChanged: (val) {
                  scroll.state = val;
            child: ListView.builder(
              controller: scroll.controller,
              itemCount: itemCount,
              itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                return ListTile(title: Text('Item: $index'));

Here is a fully working example inspired from this repo:

This example, we combine InjectedAnimation with InjectedScrolling to hide a FloatingActionButton when the user starts scrolling down and show it when the user starts scrolling up.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:states_rebuilder/states_rebuilder.dart';

void main() {
      home: HomePage(),

final hideFabAnimController = RM.injectAnimation(
  duration: kThemeAnimationDuration,
  initialValue: 1.0,

final scroll = RM.injectScrolling(
  onScroll: (scroll) {
    if (scroll.hasStartedScrollingForward) {
    } else if (scroll.hasStartedScrollingReverse) {

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomePage({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("Let's Scroll"),
      floatingActionButton: OnAnimationBuilder(
        listenTo: hideFabAnimaController,
        builder: (_) => FadeTransition(
          opacity: hideFabAnimController.curvedAnimation,
          child: ScaleTransition(
            scale: hideFabAnimController.curvedAnimation,
            child: FloatingActionButton.extended(
              label: const Text('Useless Floating Action Button'),
              onPressed: () {},
      floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat,
      body: ListView(
        controller: scroll.controller,
        children: <Widget>[
          for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Card(child: FittedBox(child: FlutterLogo())),