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Scripts for converting TGW (WRF) output to reV input files (wind and solar) and producing generation timeseries at points or grid cell locations.

flowchart TB

    subgraph godeeep[TGW-Gen]
        direction TB
    subgraph p0[ ]
        direction TB

        WRF[(TGW Data)]:::dataset
        timeseries[(Gen Timeseries)]:::dataset
        SAMH5[(SAM Resource Files)]:::dataset
        eia860[(EIA 860)]:::dataset
        ppconfigs{{Preprocess\nPlant Configurations}}:::interface
        plantconfig[(Plant configurations)]:::dataset
        biascorrect{{Bias Correction}}:::interface
        wrf2rev{{Preprocess\nTGW Data}}:::interface

        click reV "" _blank
        click biascorrect "" _blank
        click wrf2rev "" _blank
        click tzconvert "" _blank

        subgraph workflow[ ]
        subgraph p1[ ]
            direction TB


        subgraph legend[ ]
        subgraph p2[ ]


    class godeeep,workflow,legend title;
    class legend legend;
    class p0,p1,p2 padding;
    class godeeep,workflow bg;

    linkStyle default stroke:black,stroke-width:4;
    classDef marker stroke:black,fill:black;
    classDef default stroke:black,stroke-width:0,color:white,padding:10px 20px,font-size:48px,font-weight:bold;
    classDef bg fill:white,color:black,stroke:none;
    classDef legend fill:white,color:black,stroke:black;
    classDef title font-weight:bold,font-size:48px,line-height:48px;
    classDef padding stroke:none,fill:none;
    classDef dataset fill:#689c73;
    classDef interface fill:#e88824;

Running the code

The follwing steps will allow you to develop annual (8760) hourly solar and wind generation profiles from WRF output, and optionally format that output for GridView.

Setting up the wrf python environment

Setting up the rev python environment

Before anything else, follow the instructions here for setting up a conda environment with the appropriate packages for running reV. Additionally you will need to install the wrf-python and farms packages. Other package requirements are included in the repo-wide requirements.txt.


The metadata (sam/configs/eia_{wind,solar}_configs.csv) contains information about each point location, name, lat, lon, elevation, etc. Metadata files are committed in this repo, but in case they need to be re-generated, please see the eia_solar_config_generation.R and file as well as the README in the sam/configs directory.

Process WRF data

The wrf2rev_*.py code should be run on PIC where the WRF data is stored. It can't be run on constance because of issues with python and the older centos version but it can be run on deception/slurm or constance7a/slurm7. The repo includes sample SLURM scripts (run_*.sl) for deception. See below for how to set up a conda environment before any runs are made. See comments in the scripts for more details on how to run.

The code can be run locally as well but one year of 3 hour data is hundreds of GB, so for testing it is possible to run just using 1 or two week-long netcdf files. In this case the SAM resource file will not work because SAM requires an entire year of data to run.

The data will be output into data/sam_resource/wrf_{wind,solar}_1h_{year}.h5.

Download NSRDB and (optionally) WTK data

NSRDB data is required for bias correcting the solar radiation data (GHI) and is also necessary for validation. To run wind validation you'll also need some WTK data. To get both NSRDB and WTK data you'll need to signup for an API key. Once you have that, create a file named .env in the tgw-gen directory. The file should have the following lines:

nrel_api_key = 'key'
nrel_api_email = 'email'

Now run the download_nsrdb.R and (optionally) download_nsrdb.R. The working directory should be set to WRF-to-reV/validation. This scripts call the API once per point per year. Note that the NREL api has a limit of 5000 annual point location files per day, which could be an issue if you need many points and many years. These files take a few hours to download.

Bias correct the solar data

In PNNL's WRF data, GHI has shown some consistent bias with respect to the NSRDB. To fix this, some bias correction is necessary. If the NSRDB data has been downloaded simply run the script. This will modify the data in the SAM resource (hdf5) files directly.

Create generation profiles

Now you are finally ready to run reV and create the generation profiles. The scripts and will create one csv file per year in data/generation. By default the scripts will output generation as a fraction of total plant capacity. There is an option in the scripts to change the output to power (watts).


There are several more scripts and reports related to validating the met and gen data, please see the in in the validation directory for more details.


Solar and wind generation using the TGW data






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