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CartToGo is an IoT-based smart system that is connected to an iOS mobile application, used by supermarket shoppers to reduce their waiting time in the queue lines and that’s done by enabling them to scan each product’s barcode to display its price and total price on the LCD display as well as the iOS mobile application.


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CartToGo is an IoT-based smart system that is connected to an iOS mobile application, used by supermarket shoppers to reduce their waiting time in the queue lines and that’s done by enabling them to scan each product’s barcode to display its price and total price on the LCD display as well as the iOS mobile application.

نظام CartToGo مبني على انترنت الأشياء، وهو نظام ذكي مرتبط بتطبيق هاتف يعمل بنظام تشغيل iOS، يستخدم من قبل المتسوقين في مركز التسوق لتقليل وقتهم في طوابير الشراء، وذلك عن طريق السماح لهم بقراءة سعر المنتج واجمال سعر المنتجات وعرضها على شاشة LCD و تطبيق الهاتف.

💻 Technology Used

IoT NodeMCU ESP8266 Microcontroller

  •   C++

IOS mobile application

  •   Dart
  •   Python

⚙️ Dependencies

Needed dependencies for NodeMCU ESP8266 Microcontroller

Needed dependencies for IOS mobile application

▶️ Usage

Usage for NodeMCU ESP8266 Microcontroller

1- First copy or download the ProductScanner.ino file

2- Then open the code in Arduino and install the required libraries as mentioned in the dependencies above

3- After that adjust the RX and TX for the Scanner that is connected to the breadboard

 SoftwareSerial mySerial(14 , 12); // RX, TX for Scanner numbers on the breadboard

4- Compile and Upload the code to the NodeMCU through available COM port

Usage for IOS mobile application

1- Install the dependencies mentioned above

2- Fetch latest source code from main branch then go to CartToGo folder

3- Run the app with Android Studio or VS Code. Or the command line:

cd CartToGo
flutter pub get
flutter run

Application login credentials

Admin Admin1234

Cashier Haya079135

Shopper Rere1234

🎯 Features

  • A complete IoT smart system that includes hardware and an application connected to it

  • Realtime database for fast retrieval of the scanned products

  • An interface for 3 users, Cashier - Shopper - Admin

  • Display all previous invoices

  • Add/Delete products in the shopping cart

  • Display the product location

  • Supports Recommender system (An AI algorithm) for products that have offers based on previous purchases

👩‍💻 Contributors


CartToGo is an IoT-based smart system that is connected to an iOS mobile application, used by supermarket shoppers to reduce their waiting time in the queue lines and that’s done by enabling them to scan each product’s barcode to display its price and total price on the LCD display as well as the iOS mobile application.







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