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LANDO: Linked age-depth modeling


About the project

LANDO links the most commonly used age-depth modeling software in one multi-language Jupyter Notebook, known as SoS notebook (Peng et al., 2018). Due to its design, the notebook uses four Jupyter kernels: Python, R, Octave, and MATLAB. We implemented the following modeling systems in LANDO:
* Bacon (Blaauw and Christen, 2011),
* Bchron (Haslett and Parnell, 2008; Parnell et al., 2008),
* clam (Blaauw, 2010),
* hamstr (Dolman, 2021),
* Undatable (Lougheed and Obrochta, 2019).
Furthermore, LANDO uses the fuzzy changepoint method by Holloway et al. (2021) to evaluate the performance of modeling systems to represent lithological change based on independent proxy data. LANDO can run models for single or multiple sediment cores.

Getting started


We used the following programming languages versions to develop LANDO:

Programming language Version
R 4.1.2
Python 3.9
Octave 6.4.0
MATLAB1 2020b

Installing programming languages

When you install the programming languages, make a note of where you installed them. First, we recommend to use miniconda (400 MB required disk space) to manage all necessary Python packages and to make the installation process easier. Each version of miniconda comes with a version of Python.

Windows users can download and install the current version of R from CRAN. Here you can find the current version of Octave for your operating system. Please install Octave as administator for all users and rename the folder to "GNU_Octave" (with an underscore) instead of "GNU Octave" (without an underscore) in the installation process, otherwise it can cause complications.

For macOS users we recommend installing R and Octave using brew in the Terminal:

Installing brew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Installing R with brew

> brew install cask
> brew install v8
> brew install openssl
> brew install libgit2
> brew install --cask xquartz
> brew install --cask r

Installing Octave with brew

brew install octave

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Installing other tools

Windows: Please make sure you have Rtools4 installed - the instructions can be found here.

macOS: Make sure you have Xcode and the command line tool (CLT) installed on your computer - here are the instructions. Also install the appropriate gfortran version for your macOS version from GitHub. Further information on the installation process of gfortran can be found on this website.

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Setting up conda environment

After installing all programming languages, users have to start conda by either
a) open the Anaconda Powershell Prompt from the Start menu (Windows) or
b) open the Terminal - from the Launchpad or from the Finder in the Applications/Utilities folder - and enter source /opt/miniconda3/bin/activate (macOS).

Then users of both systems should enter the following lines:

Creating conda environment

conda create --name LANDO  

Activate this environment

conda activate LANDO

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Getting LANDO

Users can download LANDO as ZIP or clone the repository via GitHub. Windows users will need to unzip the downloaded item into a folder named "LANDO-main".

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Installation of LANDO


First, open the Anaconda Powershell Prompt and navigate to the location of the LANDO-main folder by using either the cd command (change to directory on same drive) or the pushd command (change to directory on different drive). For this example, we assume that the Anaconda Powershell Prompt opens on the C: drive and the unpacked zip file "LANDO-main" is on the drive E::

pushd E:/LANDO-main

If not already done, activate your conda environment in the Anconda prompt:

conda activate LANDO

One by one, use these following lines to install all python packages and accept the installation with yes ("y"). In some cases, conda will take a while to find the approriate packages from the conda-forge environment ("Solving environment").

> conda install --file requirements_forge.txt -c conda-forge
> mamba install pyarrow -c conda-forge
> conda install pip
> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
> python -m sos_notebook.install

To add the R kernel (IRkernel) to the Jupyter Notebook, first navigate in the Anaconda Powershell Prompt to the location of your R installation. In our working example, R was located in C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-4.1.2/bin/x64. Then use the following lines to install the kernel. Subsequently, navigate back to the LANDO-main folder.

> pushd C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-4.1.2/bin/x64
> ./R -e 'install.packages("IRkernel", repos = "")'
> ./R -e 'IRkernel::installspec()'
> pushd E:/LANDO-main

In case of an error message, there are three potential solutions:

a) substitute ./R with Rscript.

b) Alternatively, you can open R in the Anaconda Powershell Prompt by changing to the location of R, then use the ./R command to activate R and then enter the two commands in between the single quotes ':

  • install.packages("IRkernel", repos = "")
  • IRkernel::installspec()

Finally, quit R with q() and navigate back to the LANDO-main folder with pushd or cd.

c) Open "R x64 4.1.2" from your desktop or via the start menu and enter the two commands in between the single quotes:

  • install.packages("IRkernel", repos = "")
  • IRkernel::installspec()

To ensure that the Octave kernel is linked to the installed Octave version, we have to follow the instructions on GitHub:

We require the octave-cli executable to run the kernel. Add that executable's directory to the PATH environment variable or use the OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE to point to the executable itself. Note that on Octave 6.4.0 on Windows, the executable is in "Octave-6.4.0\mingw64\bin".

Here is an explanation of how to add the directory to the path. In our working example the directory was C:\PROGRA~1\GNU_Octave\Octave-6.4.0\mingw64\bin\. Later on, in case the Octave kernel isn't connected to the octave-cli executable, it is possible to add a new variable to the users variables with the name OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE and the value C:\PROGRA~1\GNU_Octave\Octave-6.4.0\mingw64\bin\octave-cli.exe.

After that please open GNU Octave (GUI) from your desktop or the start menu and install the following five packages within the GUI. The installation process can take a while.

> pkg install -forge io
> pkg install -forge statistics
> pkg install -forge dataframe
> pkg install -forge struct

To verify that your installation has worked, check with the following line within your Anaconda Powershell Prompt, if all three kernels are correctly installed:

jupyter kernelspec list

The output should look like this:

Available kernels:
Package installation

Then open the Jupyter Notebook by typing into the Anaconda Powershell Prompt:

jupyter notebook

Click on the Install-requirements.ipynb notebook and execute the first two cells with R code within this notebook. This can take up to an hour. After everything is installed, you can close the notebook using File --> Close and halt. LANDO should be now ready for use.

If you run into any problems, please open an issue here.

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First, open the Terminal and start conda with source /opt/miniconda3/bin/activate. Then navigate to the location of the LANDO-main folder by using the cd command. For this example, we assume the zip file "LANDO-main" is in the "Downloads" folder:

cd ~/Downloads/LANDO-main

If not already done, activate your conda environment in the terminal:

conda activate LANDO

One by one, use these following lines to install all python packages and accept the installation with yes ("y"). In some cases, conda will take a while to find the approriate packages from the conda-forge environment ("Solving environment").

> conda install --file requirements_forge.txt -c conda-forge
> mamba install pyarrow -c conda-forge
> conda install pip
> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
> python -m sos_notebook.install

Then add the R kernel (IRkernel) to the Jupyter Notebook via the Terminal:

> Rscript -e 'install.packages("IRkernel", repos = "")'
> Rscript -e 'IRkernel::installspec()'

To ensure that the Octave kernel is linked to the installed Octave version, we have to follow the instructions on GitHub:

We require the octave-cli executable to run the kernel. Add that executable's directory to the PATH environment variable or use the OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE to point to the executable itself.

In our working example, the executable was in this directory /usr/local/Cellar/octave/6.4.0/bin and therefore we set OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE so that it points to the excutable there:

export OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/Cellar/octave/6.4.0/bin/octave-cli

You then need to install the relevant Octave packages. For this please open Octave in your terminal by typing:

> octave --no-gui

Now execute the following lines in the Octave environment, which can take a while:

> pkg install -forge io
> pkg install -forge statistics
> pkg install -forge dataframe
> pkg install -forge struct

You can leave Octave by typing exit.


To verify that your installation has worked, check with the following line, if all three kernels are correctly installed:

jupter kernelspec list

The output should look like this:

Available kernels:
.mex files

In some cases, macOS flags the .mex files in the LANDO repository as malicious. This can be checked by the following line:

xattr src/UndatableFolder/private 

If the answer is or if you want to avoid a potential error message, please use the following two lines:

> sudo xattr -r -d src/UndatableFolder/private
> sudo find src/UndatableFolder/private -name \*.mex -exec spctl --add {} \;
Package installation

Then open the Jupyter Notebook by typing into the Terminal:

jupyter notebook

Click on the Install-requirements.ipynb notebook and execute the cells within this notebook. This can take up to an hour. After everything is installed, you can close the notebook using File --> Close and halt. LANDO should be now ready for use.

If you run into any problems, please open an issue here.

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Open your Anaconda Powershell Prompt or Terminal(and start conda). Then change to the directory of the LANDO-main repository. Activate your environment and lunch Jupyter Notebook. In our working example, we use a Windows machine, the Anaconda Powershell Prompt and the LANDO-main folder on another drive:

> pushd E:/LANDO-main
> conda activate LANDO
> jupyter notebook

Launch LANDO by clicking on LANDO.ipynb.

There are four ways to retrieve age determination data:

Input Code
Data for one single core from file dates = gd.AgeFromFileOneCore()
Data for multiple cores from file dates = gd.AgeFromFileMultiCore()
Data for one single core from a database dates = gd.AgeFromDBOneCore()
Data for multiple cores from a database dates = gd.AgeFromDBMultiCore()

And two ways to retrieve proxy data:

Input Code
Data from file proxy = gd.ProxyFromFile()
Data from database proxy = gd.ProxyFromDB()

There are different parameters that can be adjusted for each modeling software in LANDO

Modeling software Parameter Default value
Bacon acc.shape 1.5
Bacon acc.mean 20
Bacon mem.strength 10
Bacon mem.mean 0.5
Bacon ssize 8000
clam types_curve 1:5
clam smoothness_curve 0.1*(1:10)
clam poly_degree_curve 1:4
hamstr K c(10,10)
Undatable xfactor 0.1
Undatable bootpc 30

If you want to know more about the implemented functions, please use the help() function in Python. For instance, using help(age_sr_plot.PlotAgeSR.plot_graph) returns:

Help on function plot_graph in module src.age_sr_plot:

plot_graph(self, orig_dir, sigma_range='both', bin_size=1000, xlim_max=None, number_col=7, reduce_plot_axis=False, only_combined=False, save=False, for_color_blind=False, as_jpg=False)
Main function to plot data for single core and multi-core case

@self.orig_dir: original directory where LANDO was launched, so that plots can be saved to the folder "output_figures"
@self.sigma_range: sigma range that should be shown in the plot - the options are: 'both', '1sigma', '2sigma', and None
@self.bin_size: this argument only works for the multi-core case; defines the bin size in years; default value: 1000
@self.xlim_max: this argument only works for the multi-core case; defines the maximum age range in years to be plotted; default value: None
@self.number_col: only works for the multi-core case; defines the number of columns to plot; default value: 7
@self.reduce_plot_axis: only works for the multi-core case; reduces the number that are plotted on the axis; default value: False
@self.only_combined: argument to decide if only combined model should be plotted; default value: False argument to decide if plot should be saved to location given in orig_dir; default value: False
@self.for_color_blind: argument to transform plot to be suitable for people with color vision deficiency; default value: False
@self.as_jpg: argument to plot grafics as .jpg (default is .pdf), which works best for color-blind plot; default value: False

returns: Main output plot from LANDO

You can close the notebook using File --> Close and halt. On the main page click on Quit and close the tab. Enter exit in the Anaconda Powershell Prompt or Terminal to stop conda. In case of hidden running processes, use Alt+F4 (Windows) or command+Q (macOS).

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Future Plans

  • Add OxCal to LANDO

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Gregor Pfalz - - @ClimateCompathy

Project Link:

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Blaauw, M.: Methods and code for “classical” age-modelling of radiocarbon sequences, Quat. Geochronol., 5, 512–518,, 2010.

Blaauw, M. and Christen, J. A.: Flexible paleoclimate age-depth models using an autoregressive gamma process, Bayesian Anal., 6, 457–474,, 2011.

Dolman, A. M.: hamstr: Hierarchical Accumulation Modelling with Stan and R,, 2021.

Haslett, J. and Parnell, A.: A simple monotone process with application to radiocarbon-dated depth chronologies, J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. C Appl. Stat., 57, 399–418,, 2008.

Hollaway, M. J., Henrys, P. A., Killick, R., Leeson, A., and Watkins, J.: Evaluating the ability of numerical models to capture important shifts in environmental time series: A fuzzy change point approach, Environ. Model. Softw., 139, 104993,, 2021.

Lougheed, B. C. and Obrochta, S. P.: A Rapid, Deterministic Age-Depth Modeling Routine for Geological Sequences With Inherent Depth Uncertainty, Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatology, 34, 122–133,, 2019.

Parnell, A. C., Haslett, J., Allen, J. R. M., Buck, C. E., and Huntley, B.: A flexible approach to assessing synchroneity of past events using Bayesian reconstructions of sedimentation history, Quat. Sci. Rev., 27, 1872–1885,, 2008.

Peng, B., Wang, G., Ma, J., Leong, M. C., Wakefield, C., Melott, J., Chiu, Y., Du, D., and Weinstein, J. N.: SoS notebook: An interactive multi-language data analysis environment, 34, 3768–3770,, 2018.

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  1. Since we want to keep LANDO open source, the installation process does not include instructions for the MATLAB kernel. If you have an active MATLAB license, please follow the instructions on the SoS notebook website. We provide the necessary code to run the MATLAB version of Undatable in the repository, which can replace the Octave version.