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/ EasyDiscordBot Public archive

EasyDiscordBot is a quick and easy way to create a Discord bot. Build your own bot and deploy it locally or on a server in just minutes. This package will help you with your bot's core functionality. It includes an advanced command system with prefix, permissions, keywords and more. It also has a built-in help command and it's highly customizable.

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DEPRECATED! Releasing new, TypeScript based Discord.js wrapper soon.



Documentation might change without patching the package on npmjs. Please read on the GitHub repo to get the latest documentation.

Since I'm the only person that created this package I can't take care of everything so in some cases my code may behave not as expected. Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting a change or a bug.

Table of contents


  1. Install the package
npm i ezdiscordbot
  1. Import it to your project
import { EasyDiscordBot } from 'ezdiscordbot';

Additional modules that you can import from the package

  • stringProcessor - function - use it to replace square brackets expressions
  • DiscordBotCommand - class - another way to create commands (not recommended) (you have to push them to the commandsList manually)
  1. Insert the following line into your package.json file
"type": "module"

Getting started

Create your bot's instance

const bot = new EasyDiscordBot(params);


  • params - an object that contains bot's basic configuration
    • name - string - your bot's name (will appear in help message)
    • prefix - string - your bot's prefix ("!" if not specified)
    • discordToken - string - Discord bot token (Discord Developer Portal) Connect your app to Discord using


  • port - string (optional) - if specified, the app will create an http server and start listening on specified port


The package contains 2 built-in commands

  • help [command name (optional)] - shows commands list or details about [command name]
  • show [role/user/channel/server ID/ping] - shows details about given object (hidden by default) (requires ADMINISTRATOR privileges)
bot.config.helpMessage = null;      # disable "help" command
bot.config.showCommand.enabled = false;     # disable "show" command
bot.config.showCommand.hidden = false       # show the "show" command in the help message;
bot.config.helpMessage.hidden = true        # hide the "help" command;

You can add your own commands by using



  • name
    • string - your command name that will be used to trigger the command
    • array (string)
      • first element is the command name
      • other elements are aliases that can also be used to trigger the command
  • description - string - command description that will appear in the help message
  • permissions - object or null - command usage permissions
  • execute - function - being called when using a command (first argument is a message object)
  • keywords - array (string) - array of keywords that can trigger the commnand without prefix
  • usage - string - usage instructions that will be displayed in help message
  • hidden - boolean - if it's true, the command will not appear in the help message

You can get a full list of commands in the instance from commands.list property

console.log(bot.commands.list); // Logs array of Command instances to console

To get a specified Command instance use commands.get(name)

  • name - string - command name
bot.commands.get('help').description = 'Help message'; // Changes description of the "help" command

Command arguments

Command arguments are located in the "command" property of every "message" object.

  • isCommand - boolean - is true when the message is an instance of a command
  • name - string - name of the command
  • arguments - array (string) - arguments list


  • permissions - array (string) - contains names of privileges that are permitted to use the command (list of permissions available here)
  • roles - array (string) - contains IDs of roles that are permitted to use the command
  • users - array (string) - contains IDs of users that are permitted to use the command

The caller has to meet at least 1 requirement to start a command.

Text processing

The following expressions will be replaced while sending a message, replying or using stringProcessor function in any other place

  • [botName] - replaced with your bot's name
  • [prefix] - replaced with bot's prefix
  • [command] - replaced with command's name

Using string processor manually

import { stringProcessor } from 'ezdiscordbot';
console.log(stringProcessor.bind(this)('[botName]')); // Logs your bot's name from the property to the console

You can also use template strings

bot.addCommand('id', 'Displays your ID', 0, m => { m.reply(`Your ID is: ${}`) });


There are 4 main events

  • onReady - function - will be called each time your bot successfully connects to Discord
  • onMessage - function - will be called when someone sends a message
    • message - object - a message object
  • onCommand - function - will be called when someone starts a bot command
    • message - object - a message object
  • onError - function - will be called when Discord API returns an error
    • error - object - an error object
    • message - object (optional) - a message object that will be used to reply to the caller with error message These 4 functions are located in the "events" property. You can easily overwrite them. = () => console.log('Bot is ready!')

You can add other events from the Client instance (list)

bot.client.on('channelCreate', c => {
    console.log('Created channel:',;

Using bot.client.on('message') instead of will overwrite the message processor that's built-in to this package. If you do this, your bot will not react to any command.

Advanced configuration

Configuration parameters are stored in the "config" property.

  • discordToken - string - your bot's token
  • prefix - string - bot's prefix
  • accentColor - string (HEX or RGB) - used to set color of embed messages
  • helpMessage - object
    • header - string - Help message header
    • description - string - Help message bottom text
    • hidden - boolean - if it's true, the help command will not appear in the help message
  • botActivity - object - an object that will be used to set your bot's activity on Discord
    • type - string - type of activity (list)
    • url - string (optional)
    • title - string - activity name

To disable these 3 messages, change these properties' type to something, that's not an object

  • errorMessage - object - used to configure the appearance of an error message
    • header - string - title of an error message
    • description - string - bottom text of an error message
    • color - string - color of the embedded content
    • detailsTitle - string - title of details field
    • deleteTimeout - number - time (in ms) after which an error message will be deleted
  • insufficientPermissions - object - used to configure the appearance of a permission error message
    • header - string - title of the message
    • description - string - bottom text of the message
    • color - string - color of the embedded content
    • deleteTimeout - number - time (in ms) after which the message will be deleted
  • commandNotFound - object - used to configure the appearance of a "command not found" message
    • content - string - message to the user
    • color - string - color of the embedded content
    • deleteTimeout - number - time (in ms) after which the message will be deleted

Embed messages

A static property is defined for creating embedded content.

  • params - object
    • title - string - title of embedded message content
    • description - string - bottom text of embedded message content
    • footer - string
    • showTimestamp - boolean
    • color - color of the embedded content
    • image - string (url) - URL to an image that will be attached to the message
    • thumbnail - string (url) - URL to an image that will be attached to the message as a thumbnail
    • author - array (string)
      • name - string
      • image - string (url)
      • link - string (url) - link to external resource that will be attached to the author
    • url - string (url) - URL that will be attached to the message
    • fields - array (object)
      • title - string - title of the field
      • value - string - bottom text of the field
      • inline - boolean - determines if the field is displayed in line

Fetching objects

  • Get guild by ID - getGuild(id) - returns Promise(Guild or null)
    • id - string - id of a guild
  • Get role by ID - getRole(guild, id) - returns Promise(Role or null)
    • guild - string (guild ID) or a Guild instance
    • id - string - role ID
  • Get channel by ID - getChannel(guild, id) - returns Promise(Channel, VoiceChannel, TextChannel, CategoryChannel or null)
    • guild - string (guild ID) or a Guild instance
    • id - string - channel ID
  • Get user by ID - getUser(guild, id) - return Promise(Member or null)
    • guild - string (guild ID) or a Guild instance
    • id - string - user ID


EasyDiscordBot is a quick and easy way to create a Discord bot. Build your own bot and deploy it locally or on a server in just minutes. This package will help you with your bot's core functionality. It includes an advanced command system with prefix, permissions, keywords and more. It also has a built-in help command and it's highly customizable.




