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Add a Tech Talk

Jeff Fredrickson edited this page Oct 26, 2017 · 18 revisions

The Tech Talk content is stored in a data file: /_data/techtalks.yml. Any time you want to add or edit a Tech Talk, the techtalks.yml file is the place to go.

Adding a Tech Talk

  1. Create a feature branch based on the dev branch. Prefix it with your initials, followed by _, and then the change info. Ex. sc_new-techtalk. View this tutorial for help in creating branches on GitHub.
  2. Make the following changes in your feature branch
  3. Edit /_data/techtalks.yml.
  4. Copy and paste the entry for the previous Tech Talk to create a new entry at the top of the file.
  5. Edit the new entry you just created to add details on the upcoming Tech Talk.
  6. Make sure the slides: line is an empty value.
  7. Enter the URL to the registration form on the register: line.
  8. Commit the feature branch
  9. Preview your changes at (where BRANCH_NAME is the name of your feature branch, ex sc_new-techtalk)
  10. Open a pull request to merge the feature branch to dev.

Updating a Tech Talk

Typically, after a Tech Talk concludes, we remove the registration form link and add the slides from the Tech Talk.

  1. Create a feature branch based on the dev branch. Prefix it with your initials, followed by _, and then the change info. Ex. sc_new-techtalk. View this tutorial for help in creating branches on GitHub.
  2. Make the following changes in your feature branch
  3. Navigate to the Tech Talks assets folder (assets/downloads/techtalks). Then click the Upload button to upload the slides in PDF format. The file name should begin with tech-talk and then include the title of the talk. There should be no spaces in the name, use hyphens instead. Ex. tech-talk-data-science. Copy the name of this file to your clipboard. You will need this in the next step.
  4. Edit /_data/techtalks.yml.
  5. Remove the registration URL from the register: line.
  6. Enter the file name for the slides PDF on the slides: line. prefix it with /assets/downloads/techtalks/ For ex. /assets/downloads/techtalks/tech-talk-data-science.pdf
  7. Commit the feature branch
  8. Preview your changes at
  9. Open a pull request to merge the feature branch to dev. Do this by going to the root of your branch (click on cto-website, be sure your branch is listed in the Branch dropdown) then click on the green Compare & Pull Request button.
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