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Add a Tech Talk

Sara Cope edited this page Oct 16, 2017 · 18 revisions

The Tech Talk content is stored in a data file: /_data/techtalks.yml. Any time you want to add or edit a Tech Talk, the techtalks.yml file is the place to go.

Adding a Tech Talk

  1. Create a feature branch based on the Master branch. Prefix it with your initials, an _ and then the change info. Ex. sc_new-techtalk. View this tutorial for help in creating branches on GitHub.
  2. Make the following changes in your feature branch
  3. Edit /_data/techtalks.yml.
  4. Copy and paste the entry for the previous Tech Talk to create a new entry at the top of the file.
  5. Edit the new entry you just created to add details on the upcoming Tech Talk.
  6. Make sure the slides: line is an empty value.
  7. Enter the URL to the registration form on the register: line.
  8. Commit the feature branch
  9. Preview your changes at
  10. Open a pull request to merge the feature branch to Dev

Updating a Tech Talk

Typically, after a Tech Talk concludes, we remove the registration form link and add the slides from the Tech Talk.

  1. Upload the slides in PDF format to the Tech Talks assets folder.
  2. Edit /_data/techtalks.yml.
  3. Remove the registration URL from the register: line.
  4. Enter the URL to the slides PDF on the slides: line.
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