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Docker Best Practices

Aaron D Borden edited this page May 11, 2021 · 5 revisions

This article describes what we've found to be best practices for using Docker and Docker Compose in development.


These commands might be helpful to know. See docker-compose docs for more detail.

Start the containers.

$ docker-compose up

Run a command in the existing app container. The container must already be running.

$ docker-compose exec app bash

Run a command in a new app container, and remove the container after completion.

$ docker-compose run --rm app bash

See what containers are running.

$ docker-compose ps

Clean up the containers, and any volumes.

$ docker-compose down --volumes --remove-orphans

Occasionally, you might need to pull the latest version of your images.

$ docker-compose pull


This describes the features we're after when we add Docker and Docker Compose to our development environments.

  • Editing of source code can be done on the host. The application should reload automatically when it detects the source files changed.
  • The same docker setup can be used in CI for testing.
  • Majority of the setup is done in the docker build, so that you get a working system with docker-compose up.
  • You should be able to get a shell easily within the docker container e.g. docker-compose run --rm app bash.

Use volumes for generated files

If the application generates files, they should probably be stored in a named volume. This allows the containers to more easily share files.

If you're adding a directory to the .gitignore, you might also want to create a named volume for it.

Some examples:

  • vendored dependencies (e.g. python virutalenv)
  • media paths (user uploads directory)
  • static files (compiled CSS, JS, etc)
  • database dir
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