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GRACE CircleCI Builder GoDoc CircleCI Go Report Card

Use Case

GRACE CircleCI Builder is a command-line tool that is designed to execute against the CircleCI API v1.1, this tool reads from a local json formatted file, an array of repository definitions (similar to a Puppetfile). Then authenticates to CircleCI using the token provided in the environment variable CIRCLECI_TOKEN, then executes and waits for a new project build for each definition in the file.

Each definition is limited to the following properties:

name type required description
name string true circleci project name
repository string true version control system url to repository
branch string false version control system branch to build in repository
tag string false version control system tag to build (cannot be used with branch or commit)
commit string false version control system commit to build (full commit hash)
continue_on_fail bool false continues with build process if a repository is flagged as continue_on_fail=true and fails to build

Example JSON

	"continue_on_fail": true

The above would execute a project build for the following two projects:

grace-circleci-builder (master at d8cbe5)

grace-tftest (v0.1)

If the build for grace-circleci-builder failed, the builder would continue to grace-tftest.

Command-line Flags Supported

flag type default description
help prints usage information for the available flags
file string Buildfile provides the path to the JSON formatted build file
jobtimeout int 20 specifies the number of minutes that a build job can take before timing out
skipdays int 30 specifies the number of days to consider a previous build relevant for skipping
noskip bool false prevents skipping of previously built entries

Example usage

	// using /tmp/buildfile build all projects disabling the skipping mechanism
	grace-circleci-builder -file /tmp/buildfile -noskip

		using ./Buildfile, rebuild projects that haven't been successfully built in the last 90 days
		and allow jobs to take up to 30 minutes to complete before failing
	grace-circleci-builder -skipdays 90 -jobtimeout 30

Usage instructions

  1. Install system dependencies.
    1. Go
    2. Dep
    3. Go Meta Linter
    4. gosec
  2. Add environment variable CIRCLECI_TOKEN with an appropriate value from CircleCI, after creating a CircleCI API Token.

Public domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.