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The code provided within this subcomponent will create the AWS resources necessary to configure and enable logging and log storage. The subcomponent also provides a method for configuring a trust relationship with SecOps to allow for the retrieval and analysis of your AWS CloudTrail log data using their Enterprise Logging Platform. The GRACE Logging subcomponent activates AWS CloudTrail and creates a multi-region CloudTrail Trail configured to deliver to both an Amazon S3 bucket and an Amazon CloudWatch Log Group. The required AWS IAM resources are created to allow for the permissions required for CloudTrail's log delivery. The S3 bucket created for log storage is setup with a bucket policy, lifecycle policy, server-side encryption, versioning, and access logging. The GRACE Logging subcomponent also creates a S3 bucket to store the access-log data generated from the CloudTrail log storage bucket.

The GRACE Logging subcomponent will also provide the resources required to create a trust relationship with SecOps. This trust relationship will allow SecOps to pull the CloudTrail log data from the log storage bucket and analyze it using their Enterprise Logging Platform. The integration with SecOps utilizes AWS Security Token Service (STS) to allow the specified SecOps accounts access to assume a role specifically created for the consumption of the log data stored within the S3 log storage bucket.

NOTE: Customers can coordinate with to determine the appropriate AWS Account number(s) to configure for the trust policy. The account numbers specify which trusted account members are allowed to assume the role used for log integration with SecOps.

grace-logging layout


Name Description Type Default Required
access_logging_bucket_acl (optional) The ACL applied to the access logging bucket string "log-delivery-write" no
access_logging_bucket_backup_days (optional) The age of an object in number of days before it can be archived to glacier string "365" no
access_logging_bucket_backup_expiration_days (optional) The age of an object in number of days before it can be safely discarded string "900" no
access_logging_bucket_block_public_acls (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the blocking of public ACL creation for the access logging bucket bool true no
access_logging_bucket_block_public_policy (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the blocking of public policy creation for the access logging bucket bool true no
access_logging_bucket_destroy (optional) The boolean value indicating whether Terraform can destroy the bucket with objects still inside bool false no
access_logging_bucket_enable_backup (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) backups to glacier on the access logging bucket bool true no
access_logging_bucket_enable_versioning (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) versioning on the access logging bucket bool true no
access_logging_bucket_ignore_public_acls (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the ignoring of public ACLs created for the access logging bucket bool true no
access_logging_bucket_name (required) The name given to the access logging bucket string n/a yes
access_logging_bucket_restrict_public_buckets (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the blocking of public and cross-account access with the public bucket policy for the access logging bucket bool true no
cloudtrail_bucket_prefix (optional) The prefix used when storing CloudTrail logs in the logging bucket string "grace-cloudtrail" no
cloudtrail_enable_log_validation (optional) The boolean value indicating whether this CloudTrail should perform log file integrity validation bool true no
cloudtrail_include_global_service_events (optional) The boolean value indicating whether global services are sending events to this CloudTrail (ie: IAM) bool true no
cloudtrail_log_retention_days (optional) The number of days to retain logs in the CloudWatch log group string "365" no
cloudtrail_multi_region (optional) The boolean value indicating whether this CloudTrail is multi-region bool true no
cloudtrail_name (optional) The name given to the CloudTrail string "grace-cloudtrail" no
flowlogs_bucket_prefix (optional) The prefix used when storing Flow logs in the logging bucket string "grace-flowlogs" no
logging_access_logging_prefix (optional) The prefix used when storing access logs for the logging bucket string "grace-logging" no
logging_bucket_acl (optional) The ACL applied to the primary logging bucket string "log-delivery-write" no
logging_bucket_backup_days (optional) The age of an object in number of days before it can be archived to glacier string "365" no
logging_bucket_backup_expiration_days (optional) The age of an object in number of days before it can be safely discarded string "900" no
logging_bucket_block_public_acls (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the blocking of public ACL creation for the logging bucket bool true no
logging_bucket_block_public_policy (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the blocking of public policy creation for the logging bucket bool true no
logging_bucket_enable_backup (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) backups to glacier on the logging bucket bool true no
logging_bucket_enable_versioning (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) versioning on the logging bucket bool true no
logging_bucket_ignore_public_acls (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the ignoring of public ACLs created for the logging bucket bool true no
logging_bucket_name (required) The name given to the primary logging bucket string n/a yes
logging_bucket_restrict_public_buckets (optional) The boolean value enabling (true) or disabling (false) the blocking of public and cross-account access with the public bucket policy for the logging bucket bool true no
secops_accounts (optional) A comma delimited string containing the Account IDs of accounts that should access to your log buckets, if empty no external accounts will be allowed to read the logs string "" no
secops_role_name (optional) The name given to the SecOps read only access to the logging bucket string "grace-secops-read" no


Name Description
access_bucket_arn The ARN of the access log bucket.
access_bucket_id The name of the access log bucket.
cloudtrail_arn The Amazon Resource Name of the trail.
cloudtrail_id The name of the trail.
cloudtrail_kms_key_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudTrail KMS key.
cloudtrail_kms_key_id The globally unique identifier for the CloudTrail KMS key.
cloudtrail_log_group_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the CloudTrail log group
cloudtrail_log_group_name The name of the CloudTrail log group
cloudtrail_policy_id The ID of the CloudTrail policy.
cloudtrail_role_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the CloudTrail role.
cloudtrail_role_id The name of the CloudTrail role.
logging_bucket_arn The ARN of the logging bucket.
logging_bucket_id The name of the logging bucket.
logging_bucket_policy The policy text applied to the logging bucket
secops_policy_id The ID of the SecOps read only policy.
secops_role_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the SecOps read only role.
secops_role_id The name of the SecOps read only role.


  • Dependencies

    • Terraform (minimum version v0.12.x; recommend v0.12.6 or greater)
      • ~v2.38.0
      • provider.template ~v2.1.2
  • Usage

Include the module in your Terraform project. See the above inputs and outputs for more details. Basic example:

module "logging" {
  source                     = ""
  access_logging_bucket_name = "example-access-logs"
  cloudtrail_name            = "example-trail"
  logging_bucket_name        = "example-logs"

Use terraform init to download and install module and providers


The GRACE Logging subcomponent provides various levels of coverage for several NIST Special Publication 800-53 (Rev. 4) Security Controls. These security controls are designated for FIPS 199 Moderate Impact Systems. Additional information regarding the implementation method utilized can be found within the GRACE Component Control Coverage Repository.

Subcomponent approval status: Pending Assessment

Relevant controls:

Control Description Control ID
Access Controls AC-2, AC-6(9)
Audit and Accountability AU-2, AU-6(1), AU-9
System and Information Integrity SI-4, SI-4(2), SI-12


This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.
