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Namikon edited this page May 20, 2015 · 4 revisions

The Mod

BlockLimiter is a small mod which allows you to specify a list of Blocks players won't be able to place. This will work on Servers, but also if you make a modpack and want to prevent people from placing blocks in SMP. There's no difference. It can be managed while the Server is running, no restart is required. You can define one or more DimensionIDs, or prevent the Block from being placed at all

The requirements

  • Forge: 1291 or higher
  • YAMCore: 0.3 or higher

The commands

There is only one command: /blimit reload|info

reload: Reloads the config file. It will tell you if it could read it or not, so you can fix any typo and try again. Obviously, you need to be server-admin/op to execute this command

info: This command is available for everyone, as if someone restricts stuff to be placed, the people who are affected by this must have the ability to check what is denied and what is not.

The config

is pretty self-explanatory, so I just copied the comments to here for reference

S:BlockLis: Define your Blocks here. Syntax is: [modID]:[BlockID];[DimID];... if you don't add a Dimension (e.g. minecraft:dirt) it will be denied in every dimension

B:DenyCreativeMode: Set this to true to prevent even Server-OPs/Admins from placing forbidden blocks

S:PlaySFXOnBlockDeny: Leave it blank for no sound effect, or put in a valid sound-reference like this: [modID]:[soundeffectID] Same behaviour as for textures. Any soundeffect in your pack can be used

S:RejectMessages: Define a few reject messages that are being sent to the player if they try to place a monitored Block. This must contain at least one entry, or it will spam errors in your console

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