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Meeting Records

Xin Nie edited this page Feb 26, 2024 · 12 revisions

Meeting of 1/16/2024

  • Goals (min 0): Come up with ideas for our project

  • Idea List (min 2): Video Game Guide Blog Sport Stats Page Online Simple Multiplayer Game. Example Online Card Game or Board Game Online Card Game with spectators, with betting Online Food Ordering for Pickup and Delivery Music Sharing/Story posting

  • Ended(min 15)

Meeting of 1/18/2024

  • Goals(min 0): Introduce new members to the group Select Specific Project Plan Create Features for our project Create 2 or more user stories for each feature Designate people for project presentation

  • Vote (min 4): Winning Game is a Video Game Blog

  • Features (min 10): Post a blog (Nic) Rating System Commenting Deleting Blog and Comments Updating Blog Notifications from comments on your blogs User profile/Creating an Account (Gabriel) Login/Logout Guest-Account, Limited to Viewing Only Follow Favorite Tab Explore Page (Nic) Categories, Game Search Bar Filters Positivity rating Sharing a Blog with other users (Xin) posts to user page Will show up as recommended to followers Recommended Page (Xin) Shows blogs from people you follow Shows blogs similar to favorites Show blogs related to posts/comments

  • Talking to TA Notes(min 32): Gabriel, Tam, Xin talking to TA, Tuesday 1-3

  • Project Presentation Notes (min 34): Zen and Tam Canvas

  • Notes (min 35): Using React for a user interface Using Django for database Ask prof about data size issues Using Jira to keep track of progress Ask TA for ideas for testing Adding WebBook to give notifications about GitHub Notifications

  • Next Meeting (min 40): Ideas for the name of the Web App Updates to the features and user stories Feedback from TA

Meeting of 1/23/2024

  • Goals:(min 0) Name Ideas For the Web Application Input from our TA Go over people who do work for the presentation and who should start working on github repository

  • Name Ideas(min 2): FindYourGG GGG //

  • Website Name: (min 5)

  • Note: We want to add the term “Noob” Somewhere in the website (min 6)

  • Input From TA (min 8): Set in stone our 5 features we want to develop Go over user stories Discuss what Features should be done in each sprint

  • Brief Sprint Planning(min 12):

    • Sprint 2 User Profile/Creating Account Learning softwares/Understanding course requirements Begin working on the Database
    • Sprint 3 Posting a Blog Explore Page Connecting to the Database
    • Sprint 4 Recommended Page Sharing a Blog Bug Fixes Finalize Database Front end Finalization
  • Next Steps (min 20): Tam and Zen work on presentation Nick, Gabriel, Xin work on setting up Github repository

Meeting of 1/28/2024

  • Goals (min 0): Nonfunctional Feture? Input on Proposal What needs to be done to hand in sprint 1 Next meeting for planning out sprint 2

Dropping the Blog Share Feature in Favour of the

  • Non-Functional Feature (min 4):

    • AP Design Program is always able to get information from the database, even if data is not up to date The program is capable of surviving partition failure
  • Input On Proposal (min 12) Mentioned a couple spelling mistakes

  • Discussing Handin Options (min 20) Email Asking where to send in proposal Assigning people to Tasks on Github

    • Asking the Teacher Github Private or Public Handing in for proposal Hand in for Sprint 1
  • Next Meeting (min 30) Thursday Meeting 7, Long meeting planned. To help start Sprint 2

Meeting of 2/1/2024

  • Goals (Min 0 ): Go over requirements Plan out Design more Assign responsibilities HandIn is Feb 20th

  • Features to Get Done(min 5): Account Management Blog Post

  • Design Info(min 8): Django provides a location to interact with 3 docker images, for client, web server, database Github Action to set up a pipeline? Can't do anything until we learn about docker?

  • What to do(min15): Figure out how to use Docker Set up environment with Docker

  • Work Load(min 25): Post a blog Rating System Commenting Deleting Blog and Comments Updating Blog Notifications from comments on your blogs User profile/Creating an Account Login/Logout Guest-Account, Limited to Viewing Only Follow Favorite Tab

  • Format Examples(min 30): {username} //{username}{username}

  • Todo(min 35): Create a website Template and color scheme Darker colors, blue Nic Docker videos Everyone try to learn this crap Django Videos Zen

  • Meetup Sunday, 2/4/2023

Meeting of 2/4/2024

  • Goals (Min 0 ): Ask about previous issues from group work Discuss what we learned about docker Properly assign tasks

AWS: Set up a database with AWS

  • Past Experiences(min 20): Not caring about issues that come up If you drop the course, have a meeting explaining your part so your send off doesn't impact the group negatively Show up to meetings, and show up to class to show commitment, and keep up to date Team communication, make sure people understand who is doing what. Have meetings a few days before due date to make sure everything is done Don’t leave high complexity and high prioritization to a later date, best to get done early

  • Docker(Min 30): Have basic understanding Xin will add in related info for docker to the GitHub

  • Assigning(Min 40): Front End: Tam and Nic Back End: Xin Gabriel Zen

Meet Up at 7 on 2/6/2024

Meeting of 2/6/2024

  • Goals (Min 0 ): Discuss progress with Front End Discuss progress with Database Discuss progress with backend Discuss what needs to be done next

Add option to database,

Add date time format for sql

Meeting of 2/11/2024

  • Goals (Min 0 ): General Check up to make sure everyone understands what's happening

URLS SET IN STONE: (Min 10) /signup /signin /home /about /search /username /username/guide

Meeting of 2/18/2024

  • Nick (Min 1) Set up frontend user sign and and sign up page
  • Xin (Min 4) Set up backend sign up creation
  • Zen(Min 15) Talked about stuff for backend blogs
  • Remove the data file not needed Look into updating get method
  • Gabriel and thamira went over CI requirements and what we have so far (Min 25) Auto-build.yml regression-testing.yml talked about reconfiguring our git repo to only have two branches , master and develop branch to stay on track with CI also decided to include workflows in develop branch as well so that every time we push the code autobuild and tests are run, hence no bad code could be in major branches went over To dos for members
  • Nick (Min 35) Merge to develop branch Try to get front and backend connected Have the search bar working
  • Xin (Min 45) Going to work on settings feature and help nick with the backend
  • Gabriel and Thamira (Min 50) CI template for react Django specific auto build Adding branch rules Figuring out testing plan (along with the usage of testing template) Thamira will be helping Nick out with the front end as well for user profile and blog post One more practice we discussed wanted to incorporate was letting other members know periodically on discord on where each one’s progress is

Next meeting tue 7pm

Meeting of 2/20/2024

(Min 1 -25) Went over updates for each person

  • Nick had more updates regarding the front end and how npm install needs to be run locally before docker-compose up --build needs to be run
  • Xin fixed some bugs in the backend along with some new models for the settings feature
  • Gabriel and Thamira came up with the .yml files for the front and backend to get the CI pipeline up adn running
  • The latest code will be sprint 2 and most bug-free code that passes CI checks will be on develop and afterwards will be pushed to the master branch
  • (Min 26 - 45) Came up with To dos for the rest of the days till the next meeting

Meeting of 2/22/2024

Length 2 hours, Participants: Xin, Nick, Gabriel

  • (Hour 1)Task 1: Xin and Nick helped Gabriel debug the Docker container issue and CI testing on the backend
  • (Hour 2)Task 2: Nick helped Xin with running the docker frontend image.
  • (Hour 2)Task 3: Xin and Nick debug the sign-in feature.

Meeting of 2/26/2024

Length 2 hours, Participants: All

  • Spent all time on Blog and Comment features
  • Solved the GitHub merge issue
  • Solved the Django test failure on CI
  • Branch clean up on the GitHub
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