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Initial Program Scaffolding

$ git checkout tags/2

This program will be fairly simple and contain only 3 instructions:

  • init_client will initialize an on-chain program derived account to hold our state and VRF result
  • request_randomness will make a cross program invocation to Switchboard to request an oracle to fulfill a VRF update request
  • consume_randomness will be a cross program invocation from Switchboard into our VRF client program to let us know a new randomness value was produced and verified successfully

Each instruction will be contained in its own module in programs/vrf-client/actions to breakup any program logic. Each action will contain a validate function to do any validation before calling actuate which contains the core instruction logic. In programs/vrf-client/src/, we'll map each action to our program struct so anchor knows each instructions entry point.

First start by creating the folder structure

mkdir -p programs/vrf-client/src/actions
touch programs/vrf-client/src/actions/ programs/vrf-client/src/actions/

In programs/vrf-client/src/actions/, import the init_client module which will house our first instruction.

pub mod init_client;
pub use init_client::*;

In programs/vrf-client/src/actions/, add the initial instruction structs which we will populate later.

use crate::*;

#[instruction(params: InitClientParams)]
pub struct InitClient {}

#[derive(Clone, AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct InitClientParams {}

impl InitClient {
    pub fn validate(&self, _ctx: &Context<Self>, params: &InitClientParams) -> Result<()> {
        msg!("init_client validate");

    pub fn actuate(ctx: &Context<Self>, params: &InitClientParams) -> Result<()> {
        msg!("init_client actuate");


Then we'll map this instruction in programs/vrf-client/src/

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

pub mod actions;
pub use actions::*;

pub use anchor_lang::solana_program::clock;
pub use anchor_spl::token::{Token, TokenAccount};
pub use switchboard_v2::{
    OracleQueueAccountData, PermissionAccountData, SbState, VrfAccountData, VrfRequestRandomness,


pub mod vrf_client {
    use super::*;

    #[access_control(ctx.accounts.validate(&ctx, &params))]
    pub fn init_client(ctx: Context<InitClient>, params: InitClientParams) -> Result<()> {
        InitClient::actuate(&ctx, &params)

And finally we'll fix up and run the test. Update `tests/vrf-client.ts

import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { Program } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { VrfClient } from "../target/types/vrf_client";
import * as sbv2 from "@switchboard-xyz/switchboard-v2";

describe("vrf-client", () => {
  // Configure the client to use the local cluster.

  const program = anchor.workspace.VrfClient as Program<VrfClient>;
  const provider = program.provider as anchor.AnchorProvider;
  const payer = (provider.wallet as sbv2.AnchorWallet).payer;

  it("init_client", async () => {
    // Add your test here.
    const tx = await program.methods.initClient({}).rpc();
    console.log("init_client transaction signature", tx);

Build the program and run the test

$ anchor test

init_client transaction signature Db5TfiWLT269ehpEXgT4dQntjGxj4PytYWPg1XCANcDGqseedGmqq4S5xkQ3RWkHx1FsdmpxSP1p5HKUYomiqAJ
    ✔ init_client (499ms)

  1 passing (501ms)