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Lucas Loegel edited this page Oct 9, 2019 · 5 revisions

This wiki contains documentation for the Tranquire project.

Tranquire brings the screenplay pattern to .NET. It is highly inspired by the implementation of SerenityBDD, but it is not a portage of the Java library. Its goal is to better organize acceptance tests, including tests exercised through a web UI, and make them more maintainable and readable, by applying the single responsibility and open-closed principles to user actions.

Tranquire does not aim to replace current .NET test frameworks such as NUnit or xUnit, or current BDD framework such as SpecFlow. On the contrary, it acts as a middleware between those frameworks and the system under test, and allows you to continue to use those tools, while providing a better way to build a test automation framework for you system.

See the overview section to get started with Tranquire.