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Implementing questions

Lucas Loegel edited this page Feb 26, 2019 · 3 revisions


There are 2 interfaces that represent a question: Question<TAnswer> and IQuestion<TAbility, TAnswer>. Just like with actions, you should choose to implement Question<TAnswer> when your question does not have any direct dependen, while you should choose the second interface when it has a direct dependency, such as the Selenium WebDriver.

Methods to implement

The IAction interfaces require to implement a method AnsweredBy and the property Name. The name is a string value that allow to identify what an action does, and is used in the logs.

Each methods provides a IActor instance, that you can use to execute other actions.

In order to simplify implementing actions, Tranquire provides abstract classes for you to inherit from. and Question<TAbility, TAnswer>.

Implementing IQuestion<TAnswer>

This interface is used for actions that do not require a dependency. It is recommended to inherit from the abstract class Question<TAnswer>. Here is an example of a question:

public class RemainingItems : IQuestion<int>
    public int AnsweredBy(IActor actor)
        return actor.AsksFor(TextContent.Of(ToDoPage.ToDoItemsLeftCounter).AsInteger());

    public string Name => "Remaining items";

Implementing IQuestion<TAbility, TAnswer>

This interface is used for actions that require a dependency. It is recommended to inherit from the abstract class Question<TAbility, TAnswer>. Here is an example of a question:

/// <summary>
/// A question returning the page URL
/// </summary>
public class PageUrl : Question<WebBrowser, string>
    protected override string Answer(IActor actor, WebBrowser ability)
        return ability.Driver.Url;

    public override string Name => "Page URL";