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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 27, 2019. It is now read-only.

Releases: Galarzaa90/NabBot


05 May 18:02
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  • ✔ New owner command /sendmessage to send a message based on its JSON representation.
  • ✔ New owner command /editmessage to edit a bot's message's content based on its json representation.
  • ✔ New owner command /jsonmessage to see the JSON representation of any message.
  • 🔧 /quote now accepts message links for faster quoting.
  • 🔧 Updated TibiaWiki database to reflect new rent prices and article updates.
  • 🔧 Updated Loot database to add items added in recent updates, for the /loot command.
  • 🔧 Reworked /bosses command.
  • 🔧 News tickers can now be disabled using /settings newstickers.
  • 🔧 Memory optimizations, prefixes are now read from memory instead of the database.
  • 🐛 Fixed RAM percentage inconsistencies in /about.


19 Apr 15:45
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  • ✔ New subcommand /unregistered guild, checks which members of a guild are not registered in the server.
  • ✔ New owner command /logs to upload log files.
  • ✔ New subcommand /news ticker, displays recent news ticker messages.
  • ✔ New ticker messages are now announced along with news articles and featured articles.
  • 🔧 /quote now shows a link to the original message.
  • 🔧 Added auto sharding.
  • 🔧 No longer using a development version of, now using version v1.0.0
  • 🐛 Fixed error in /event subscribe.
  • 🐛 Fixed bug not allowing to check characters with . in their names.
  • 🐛 Fixed bug that duplicates certain server-log messages.
  • 🐛 Fixed with time strings (2d, 1d4h, etc) not working with spaces around them.
  • 🐛 Updated TibiaWiki database.


08 Mar 02:24
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  • ✔ Added option to disable custom messages for deaths and level ups. /settings simpleannouncements
  • ✔ New /purge owner command, cleans settings for servers where the bot is no longer in.
  • ✔ Added option to set how long ago was killed, to reduce that from the cooldown timer. e.g. /boss set Lloyd,Tschas,1h30m.
  • 🔧 /boss set now takes an additional optional parameter to specify how long ago the boss was killed.
  • 🔧 /highscores error message is more general now.
  • 🐛 Deaths no longer show the character killing himself (unless they actually did).


04 Feb 20:24
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  • ✔ New /announce command for owners.
  • 🔧 Server log now shows the discord user's creation date when a member joins.
  • 🔧 The bot now responds if you try to use a command you don't have enough permission to use.
  • 🐛 Fixed bug causing duplicate level ups.
  • 🐛 Fixed bug with /makesay
  • 🐛 Fixed bug /boss clear
  • 🐛 Fixed bugs with event editing
  • 🐛 You can no longer quote messages from NSFW channels in regular ones.
  • 🐛 Created watchlist channels now get proper permissions.
  • 🐛 Fixed bug with /addchar not working with extra spaces.
  • 🐛 Fixed format error in /sql command.
  • 🐛 Fixed many parameters failing because of whitespaces around commas.


24 Jan 15:51
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  • 🔧 Added heart of destruction as an alias for World Devourer in boss timers.
  • 🐛 Fixed database migration importing some numeric values as strings (announce_channel and announce_level)
  • 🐛 Fixed error when using /watchlist adduser on a user that doesn't exist.
  • 🐛 Fixed bug in /watchlist showcount not accepting any answers.
  • 🐛 Fixed incorrect hint on /boss set


24 Jan 06:30
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  • ✔ Migrated user database from SQLite to PostgreSQL (Database migration available)
  • ✔ Users can now be ignored, so the bot doesn't respond to them.
  • ✔ Command usage is now saved.
  • ✔ New /commandstats command to see command usage stats. Yes commands x4.
  • ✔ Character name, world and owner history is now saved.
  • ✔ Server growth stats are now saved.
  • /boss command to set boss cooldown timers, e.g./boss set heart of destruction,galarzaa fidera
  • ✔ New /channelinfo command.
  • ✔ New /highscores global subcommand, shows combined highscores from worlds.
  • ✔ New /checkpm command, to check if you can receive PMs from the bot.
  • ✔ New Calculators cog:
    • 🔧 Moved /blessings, /stamina and /stats here
    • 🔧 Improved command output of /stats.
    • /stamina now accepts an optional target stamina.
    • ✔ New /stats subcommands: hitpoints, mana and capacity, to calculate the minimum level needed to reach the
    • ✔ New command: /distanceskill, calculates the exercise weapons needed to reach a target.
    • ✔ New command: /meleeskill, calculates online and offline training time and exercise weapons.
    • ✔ New command: /magiclevel, calculates mana needed, offline training time and exercise weapons needed.
  • ✔ New Timers cog:
    • 🔧 Moved /event and subcommands here.
    • ✔ New remindme command, creates a custom reminder, e.g /remindme 1d conquer the world
    • ✔ New bosstimer command, keep track of boss cooldowns and get notified when they are over.
  • 🔧 Improved and optimized TibiaWiki cog:
    • ✔ Now uses tibiawiki-sql's API.
    • 🔧 Improved the display of all commands.
    • ✔ New /charms command
    • 🔧 /spell now shows the spell's effect.
    • 🔧 /achievement now uses new discord spoiler feature.
  • 🔧 Improved event announcement task.
  • 🔧 Watchlist improvements
    • 🔧 "Watched lists" are now named Watchlist.
    • ✔ You can now have multiple watchlists per server (e.g. one for friends, one for enemies).
    • ✔ New subcommand /watchlist create.
    • ✔ New subcommand /watchlist adduser, adds a user's character to a list.
    • 🔧 Improved watchlist task.
    • 🔧 Better permission management. If you have Manage Channel permission on the list, you can add and remove entries.
  • 🔧 Server Log improvements
    • 🔧 Server log channel can no be configured (/settings serverlog).
    • ✔ Name changes for registered characters are now shown.
    • ✔ World transfers for registered characters are now shown.
    • 🔧 Bots get a different embed color when joining.
    • 🔧 When a member leaves or is kicked from the server, their registered characters are shown.
  • 🔧 Moved /addchar and /removechar from Admin cog to Settings cog. Merged /addaccount and /addchar.
  • 🔧 /whois now shows Account Status, Loyalty Title and Position if any.
  • 🔧 Improved performance of /deaths, /levelups and /timeline commands and their subcommands.
  • 🔧 Death and level up tracking has been optimized, reducing unnecessary calls and improving speed.
  • 🔧 Move server timezones to their own table.
  • 🔧 Improve internal logging system.
  • 🔧 Created classes to handle database data.
  • 🔧 Many improvements to the character tracking system.
  • 🔧 Reduced news tracking interval
  • 🔧 Moved /settings command and subcommands to Admin cog, removed Settings cog.
  • 🔧 Support for multiple killers (pvp deaths).
  • 🔧 Highscores task has been optimized.
  • 🐛 Autorole * rule only applies to characters in the same world. This means members wont get a role for characters in a different world.
  • 🐛 Bots no longer receive welcome messages.
  • 🐛 /quote can be used on messages with only an attachment.


23 Oct 16:04
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  • Deaths caused by arena creatures are no longer announced.


13 Oct 05:11
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Version 1.7.1 (2018-10-12)

  • Fixed links in /about command.
  • Combine walks through fields and walks around fields into a single embed field.
  • Added user caching to /deaths, /levels and /timeline because it was causing connection timeouts.


27 Sep 06:02
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  • Improved death scanning times
  • Server admins can bypass event limit on their servers
  • /monster now shows fields monsters walk around or through
  • Added imbue alias to /imbuement command.
  • Event announcements are now made at: 1h, 30min, 10 minutes and 0 minutes before event.
  • Updated TibiaWiki database
  • Fixed bug with NPC search not working.


07 Sep 05:31
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  • Fixed bug with /worlds
  • Unified missing argument error messages
  • Commands in /help are now sorted alphabetically