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svr333 edited this page Apr 30, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the official GLR Discord Bot Wiki! Currently, this bot provides a bunch of cool commands, such as in-game statistics pulling of users, alliance lookups, leaderboards and much more!

This bot is maintained and both hosted by the GLR developers, to ensure safety and stability. If you have coding experience, you are always welcome to make a PR on any of our public repositories.

Inviting the bot

Below are three invites, first one with all permissions, which is heavily recommended, unless you're a discord savvy.
Second one has all the perms necessary for all of its features, so you never have to add anything (channel overwrites can fuck it up though).
Last link only has the required permissions for sending basic messages, for simple interactions with the bot.

We have a bunch of commands to go over, all of them which are listed here.
You can also get info on any command in Discord, by executing !help <command>.