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Gambini edited this page Oct 2, 2014 · 5 revisions

Property index

Following is a full index of properties recognised by RCSS. The Notes column details important changes from the CSS specification.

Name Values Initial value Applies to Inherited? Percentages Notes
'background' 'background-color' Excludes images.
'background-color' transparent all no
'border-color' 'border-top-color' 'border-right-color' 'border-bottom-color' 'border-left-color'
'border-top' 'border-right' 'border-bottom' 'border-left' 'border--width' 'border--color' Excludes border style.
'border-top-color' 'border-right-color' 'border-bottom-color' 'border-left-color' black all no N/A
'border-top-width' 'border-right-width' 'border-bottom-width' 'border-left-width' 0px all no width of containing block
'border-width' 'border-top-width' 'border-right-width' 'border-bottom-width' 'border-left-width' all
'bottom' 0px positioned elements no height of containing block
'clear' left right both none none block-level elements
'clip' auto none auto all yes
'color' black all yes N/A
'cursor' auto auto all yes N/A
'display' inline block inline-block none inline all
'drag' none drag drag-drop block none all
'font' 'font-style' 'font-weight' 'font-size' 'font-family' 'font-charset'
'font-charset' U+0020-007E all yes N/A Introduced for RCSS. Specifies required range of characters.
'font-family' all yes N/A Only single family supported.
'font-size' 12 all yes size of parent font
'font-style' normal italic normal all yes N/A
'font-weight' normal bold normal all yes N/A
'height' auto auto block and replaced inline elements no
'left' 0px positioned elements no width of containing block
'line-height' 1.2 all yes
'margin' 'margin-top' 'margin-right' 'margin-bottom' 'margin-left'
'margin-top' 'margin-right' 'margin-bottom' 'margin-left' auto 0px all no
'max-height' -1 block and replaced inline elements no height of containing block
'min-height' 0px block and replaced inline elements no height of containing block
'max-width' -1 block and replaced inline elements no width of containing block
'min-width' 0px block and replaced inline elements no width of containing block
'overflow' 'overflow-x' 'overflow-y'
'overflow-x' visible hidden scroll auto visible block elements
'overflow-y' visible hidden scroll auto visible block elements
'padding' 'padding-top' 'padding-right' 'padding-bottom' 'padding-left'
'padding-top' 'padding-right' 'padding-bottom' 'padding-left' 0px all no width of containing block
'position' static relative absolute fixed static all
'right' 0px positioned elements no width of containing block
'scrollbar-margin' 0px scrollbar-horizontal and scrollbar-vertical elements no N/A Introduced for RCSS. Specifies a bottom / right margin (depending on orientation) that will collapse with the scrollbar on the complementary axis.
'tab-index' none auto none all yes N/A
'text-align' left right center left block-level elements yes
'text-decoration' underline none none all yes N/A
'top' 0px positioned elements no height of containing block
'vertical-align' baseline sub super text-top text-bottom middle
'visibility' visible hidden visible all no N/A
'white-space' normal pre nowrap pre-wrap pre-line normal
'width' auto auto block and replaced inline elements no
'z-index' auto top bottom auto all
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