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Eric Cheng edited this page Dec 19, 2016 · 3 revisions

The Room Prefab is used to quickly create an empty room. A room is defined as a 14 x 10 tile area that is equivalent to the size of the camera's view box. This prefab contains everything that you need to spawn an empty room. Basically it is a folder that contains the room's tiling as well as the barriers surrounding the room. When creating a new room, it should be either 14 tiles away horizontally and 10 tiles away vertically from the adjacent rooms. You will also probably have to delete some ground columns and tree folders when you make a room next to another one.

There are a series of sub folders inside the room prefab as well. Here is what each of them are:

  • North/South/West/EastBarriers: These store all the barriers. They are arranged in order from either left to right or top to bottom.
  • Misc: This folder stores all the random doodads that are in the room that are made to make the room look better. This includes trees that aren't part of the barriers etc. Anything that you add in the room should be saved into this folder.
  • GroundColumn: This just stores a column of ground tiles. There are 17 ground columns starting from left to right. This way you can quickly find which tile is which.
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