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Regaining Server Access

Raekye edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 3 revisions

Logging in to the Web Console (and getting root access)

You can always access your Digital Ocean server via their control panel. After logging in and selecting your droplet, click on the Access tab.

Gamocosm creates a user mcuser for you with sudo (root) capabilities. If you forgot, you can log in with the root user. You probably will need to Reset root password as it is not created/saved initially, which will send a password to your email.

Launch console will open a web console interface directly to your server. You can log in with root, or mcuser and sudo su (re-enter your password) to switch to root.

Opening ports

You should not have to change anything, but if somehow you are unable to SSH/FTP you want to check if the ports on your server are open. See the Additional Info for Server Admins page on how to check open ports and open them.

Checking the SSH daemon

Note: also see the Troubleshooting section in FTP and SSH for other possible errors.

Open the config file at /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Unfortunately (via the Digital Ocean web console), you will have to use an editor such as vim, emacs, or nano (e.g. (sudo) nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config). See Additional Info for Server Admins for more details on Linux configuration.

Here are relevant settings to look for:

  • Port <number> (default 4022 from Gamocosm, normally commented out (i.e. 22))
    • verify this is open as above
  • PasswordAuthentication <yes/no> (default yes from Gamocosm, normally no)
    • if no, you must add your SSH public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (and ensure the correct permissions); Linux will not let you SSH in with a password
  • ListenAddress <IP> (default commented out, listens on all interfaces (, unmodified by Gamocosm)

Secure practices

See Additional Info for Server Admins.