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  1. composer require nelson/puppeteer.
  2. Navigate to %vendorDir%/nelson/puppeteer and run npm install - be sure to do this on the target machine!


  1. Enable the extension:

    	puppeteer: Nelson\Puppeteer\DI\Extension
  2. Configuration:

    	tempDir: '%tempDir%/puppeteer/'
    	timeout: 120 # seconds
    	sandbox: null # or path to the chrome-devel-sandbox binary
    	nodeCommand: 'node' # in case multiple versions are installed

    These are the default values.


Using sandbox is highly encouraged (by Puppeteer team).


Most basic usage:

$html = '<body style="color: #fff; background: rebeccapurple"><h1>Puppeteer test</h1><p>Some text paragraph</p>';
$html .= '<p>' . date(DateTime::ISO8601) . '</p>';
$html .= '</body>';

/** @var Generator $generator */
$generator = $this->generatorFactory->create();
$output = $generator->generateFromHtml($html, Generator::GENERATE_BOTH);

Note: The HTML is not directly passed to the node process. Instead, it is first saved to a temp file and then read by node. This is done intentionally for the generator to deal with large HTML payloads. nesk/puphpeteer suffers from this problem, as the data is sent via JSON (AFAIK) and crashes on large HTML, otherwise it works just fine and is a great tool.

There are currently three output modes:

  • Generator::GENERATE_PDF
  • Generator::GENERATE_IMAGE
  • Generator::GENERATE_BOTH

These are self-explanatory.

The generator also supports generating from URL:

$output = $generator->generateFromUrl(new UrlScript(''), Generator::GENERATE_BOTH);

Variable $output contains:

array(4) {
  string(150) "/xyz/puppeteer/app/../temp/puppeteer/1562653154_-_58f8da81a3c0c3399838891fe88d0db7.pdf"
  string(150) "/xyz/puppeteer/app/../temp/puppeteer/1562653154_-_58f8da81a3c0c3399838891fe88d0db7.png"
  array(7) {
    string(4) "node"
    string(91) "/xyz/puppeteer/src/assets/generator.js"
    string(16) "--inputMode=file"
    string(159) "--input=/xyz/puppeteer/app/../temp/puppeteer/1562653154_-_58f8da81a3c0c3399838891fe88d0db7.html"
    string(5) "--pdf"
    string(7) "--image"
    string(155) "--output=/xyz/puppeteer/app/../temp/puppeteer/1562653154_-_58f8da81a3c0c3399838891fe88d0db7"
  string(0) ""


  • pdf/image are dependant on the mode used.
  • command - raw command passed from PHP to NODE.js via Symfony/Process.
  • console - raw output from NODE (via console.log). Should be empty in most cases.