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Garfield1002 edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 5 revisions

You can run the utility at any given time to try and find a new background.

In Windows PowerShell:

RedditLockscreen [-help] [-install] [-showpic] [-showlog] [-config] [-uninstall] [[-subreddit] [-sort] [-nsfw]]

In Command Prompt:

powershell RedditLockscreen [-help] [-install] [-showpic] [-showlog] [-config] [-list] [-add] [-remove] [-uninstall] [[-subreddit] [-sort] [-nsfw]]

Both will need admin rights to work.



Displays Help on the usage of the RedditLockscreen script.


Installs the RedditLockscreen script, will automatically add the script to Task Scheduler. The script will be called every time the user logs on.


Dislays the current lockscreen if it was generated by RedditLockscreen.


Displays the logfile, it contains the download date, author, subreddit and link of every downloaded lockscreen.


Opens the config.json file. This file can be manually modified, values of nsfw and sort can only be changed this way.


Lists the current subreddits from which lockscreens will be downloaded.


Adds one or several subreddits to the config file. Example usage:

RedditLockscreen -add wallpaper
RedditLockscreen -add ("wallpaper", "cute")


Removes one or several subreddits from the config file. Example usage:

RedditLockscreen -remove wallpaper
RedditLockscreen -remove ("wallpaper", "cute")


Uninstalls the script, see ReadMe for more details.


Specifies which subreddits will be used during a single execution of RedditLockscreen. Default will use values set in config. Example usage:

RedditLockscreen -subreddit wallpaper
RedditLockscreen -subreddit ("wallpaper", "cute")


Specifies how reddit will sort results during a single execution of RedditLockscreen. Accepted values are: new and hot. Default will use value set in config.

RedditLockscreen -sort new


Specifies that nsfw content can be used during a single execution of RedditLockscreen. Default will use value set in config.

RedditLockscreen -nsfw
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