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Travis Gibson edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 4 revisions


Libui::MultilineEntry, Libui::NonWrappingMultilineEntry

An entry that spans multiple lines.



Creates a MultilineEntry.

text() returns Str

Returns the text content of the MultilineEntry.

set-text(Str:D $text) or text(Str:D $text)

Sets the text content of the MultilineEntry.

append(Str:D $text)

Appends $text to the MultilineEntry.

changed() returns Supply

Returns a Supply. An event is emitted whenever the text is changed.

read-only() returns Bool

Returns True if the Entry is read-only.

set-read-only(Bool:D(Int) $read-only) or read-only(Bool:D(Int) $read-only)

Sets the read-only property of the Entry.

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