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Garrett Moore 2019 - Data provided by Discogs.

Created using:

  1. SQL/PostGres/Sequelize
  2. JavaScript
  3. Node.js
    • Mapbox
    • BCrypt
    • Cloudinary
    • Dotenv
    • Express
    • Express Ejs Layouts
    • Express Sessions
    • Helmet
    • Passport/Passport Local
  4. HTML/CSS/Bootstrap
  5. [] Data provided by Discogs

I began sketching out the idea for Record-Exchange the weekend of 3/1/2019. I knew I wanted to make something music related for my second project - and after experimenting with the wonderful Discogs API, I knew that I needed to incorporate it somehow. The idea came to me after talking to a friend about the various online bartering groups we've encountered that dealt with just about everything except directly with music.

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I wanted to make a platform on which users can explore new music, initiate conversation, trade albums, and foster the artistic curiousity that first drew me to the internet when I was a kid. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't spent those countless hours scouring every forum I could trying to take in as much new music as possible.

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After sketching out the general concept of the project, along with what packages I might need, etc. - I got to work creating all of my data entities in SQL. I knew that the core functionality of the app would rely upon the connection of the User and Release tables - so I started with those first. Each table with a uni-directional One to Many relationship, joined by the usersReleases table containing the userId and releaseId information. After getting that core up and working - I made the Photo and Message tables. The latter being connected to Users by the same uni-directional One -> Many as before.

Entity Relations map created in

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Once I had my packages installed, authentication processes, and models created and migrated - I was ready to start fleshing out the project in VSC. I began making all of the files and associations I knew I would need (.env, server, etc).

I then started writing out my basic CRUD routes - beginning with the first GET to query the API.

// Display search results
app.get('/search', function(req, res) {
  var search =;
  var url = ''+ encodeURI(search) + '&key=' + process.env.CONSUMER_KEY + '&secret=' + process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET
  request( {url,
    headers: {
      'User-Agent': "Record Exchange - Student Project"
}, function(error, response, body) {
    let results = JSON.parse(body).results;
    res.render('main/index', {results})

The first roadblock I encountered using the API was the results I got back from the initial searches. It seemed that given Discogs wildly vast database - it not only brought back multiple versions of every album by any artist - but it brought back ** EVERY ** single release even remotely associated with them. On top of that - any query also resulted in not just the label or genre information - but multiple arrays of information for each tag. It made for quite an overwhelming user experience - so I began to implement some conditional rendering to seek out only master releases and their pertinent information.

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Then I was able to start routing Search Results -> User Collection

// Add selected albums to collection'/search', function(req, res) {
  db.user.findById(parseInt( {
    return user.createRelease({
        title: req.body.title,
        artist: req.body.title,
        year: req.body.year,
        label: req.body.label,
        imgUrl: req.body.imgUrl,
        type: null,

After applying some basic styling - I was able to render up the Collections page I wanted. Keeping a minimal design - I implemented modals for each release in the collection to display all of the associated information.

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With modal pop up.

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'See More by This Artist'

Using .split() on the returned object - I just selected the artist name and redirect the user to the search results for that artist

Once the user has designated any items for their collection - they're able to select any of them to be available for trade. Having a boolean column in the join table - the add to trade button just toggles it to True and prompts the user to add a comment about the album. I had a tough time getting both the album information and associated comments to render together on the myTrade page. After a lot of experimenting - I was recommended to use async to fire off all of the DB queries in a row. That solved the issue of only being to get one album out of the db at a time.

Trade Page:

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3/10/2019 //

I have all of the basic functionality of the app up and running - but I still have a few things I plan to add over the coming weeks. A messaging system so users and directly message one another - either with a socket server chat - or just direct one to one messaging via the database.

This was a really fun project to make - having the app revolve around something I'm extremely passionate about, it was a really great drive to experiment and push myself to learn new approaches and techniques to programming.


A place to share, trade, and talk about the music that you love.



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