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A minimal wrapper around Weka for easy invocation of Weka by other Java processes.

The primary purpose of this is to be able to run a process from the command line which will accept unclassified instances from a different process, apply a classifier, and send back the prediction. For efficiency, ObjectInput/Output streams are used for the communcation.

This makes it possible to invoke Weka and use a separately trained Weka model in the GATE LearningFramework plugin (Weka cannot be directly used with this plugin because there is no way to combine the licenses of all dependencies together with Weka.)

For instructions about how to use weka-wrapper from the GATE LearningFramework plugin, see Using Weka


There are two possible ways of how to install weka-wrapper:

  • Download one of the release archives and expand, optionally put the bin subdirectory of the unpacked archive on the bin path.


  • To install by cloning the GitHub repository, first clone the repository, then run the following commands:
mvn clean
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
mvn install

Applying a model to individual instances

This is done by starting the weka-wrapper with the command:

./bin/ <modelFile> <arffHeaderFile>

Where modelFile is the full path of the model saved by Weka and arffHeaderFile is an ARFF file that contains the attribute definitions but no data rows.

After the program is started that way it expects to communicate with the invoking process using the protocol defined in the gatelib-interaction library as defined in the Process4ObjectStream class:

  1. Send a "hello string"
  2. Read the hello string from the weka wrapper
  3. Send an SparseDoubleVector object
  4. Retrieve an double[] object (the probabilities for each lable for classifiers, or a single element, the target value for regression models)
  5. Repeate steps 3 and 4 as often as needed
  6. Send the string "STOP" to terminate the weka wrapper process

Training a model from an ARFF file

This is done by running the folowing command:

./bin/ <arffFile> <modelFile> <javaClass> [<parm1> <parm2> ...]

Where arffFile is the full path to an ARFF file containing the data to train from, the modelFile is the full path to the file where the model should be saved, and javaClass is the full class of the Weka classifier to use for training. All remaining arguments are interpreted as parameters for the weka algorithm and passed on to it.

Starting the server

This is done by running the following command:

./bin/ <modelFile> <arffHeaderFile> <portnumber> <nrThreads>

This will create a server endpoint at which accepts POST requests of the following form:

  • content type must be application/json
  • accept must be application/json
  • body must be a JSON string that represents an array of sparse double vectors in the following way:
    • element "indices" is a vector of integer vectors, where each inner integer vector gives the indices/dimension numbers of the corresponding values
    • element "values" is a vector of double vectors, where each inner double is the value at the corresponding dimension
    • weights is a vector of double values where each value is the weight of the corresponding instance

The server will send back a JSON string of the following form

  • element "preds" which is a vector of double vectors, each inner vector corresponds to the prediction for each of the instances sent to the server. The inner vector is either of length 1, then it contains the prediction (e.g. for regression) or of length greater than 1, then it contains the probabilities for each class for classification.